Innovation Coupons for the SMEs of the Central Macedonia Region

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

The purpose of the action Innovation Vouchers for SMEs of the Region of Central Macedonia is to support micro, small and medium enterprises through the purchase of services to be provided by innovation agencies, in the context of the  E.P. Central Macedonia 2014-2020 .

In particular, the specific objectives of this action may include the following:

  • Transfer of know-how/technology from innovators to businesses in order to:
    • the development of innovative products, services from them
    • solving problems in the production process in order to improve the quality of the products produced
  • Strengthening business cooperation with research and technological institutions
  • Promotion of business-oriented R&D activities by innovation agencies

The institutional framework of the Action is the Regulation (EU) No. 1407/2013 of 18 December 2013 (OJ OJ L 352/1 of 24.12.2013) on the application of Articles 107 and 108 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to certain categories of companies in the European Union. de minimis aid.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

Beneficiaries eligible for public funding under this call for proposals are  existing   micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MME), which will implement their investment in the Region of Central Macedonia.

The Action supports priority investment projects in areas of the Regional Strategy for Smart Specialisation (Regional RIS3), namely:

Basic Conditions for Participation

Enterprises wishing to participate in this Action must comply with a cumulative set of obligations, the main (not all) of which are the following:

  • Be active in the Region of Central Macedonia.
  • Have and declare in their proposed investment project at least one of the eligible IDs defined in the call, which the beneficiary must have before the date of issue of the call (31-10-2019).
  • They must have completed at least one (1) full 12-month fiscal year, i.e. they must have been incorporated before 1/1/2018 (for businesses with fiscal year from 1/7 to 30/6 they must have been incorporated before July 1, 2017). Please note that a closed fiscal year is one for which the necessary tax forms have been submitted to the competent Public Finance Service.
  • Have the status of an SME according to the EU definition of SMEs.
  • Operate exclusively as a limited liability company, limited liability company, limited liability company, partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, or sole proprietorship and keep single-entry or double-entry books.
  • They must not be bankrupt, being wound up or in receivership and must not be firms in difficulty.
  • Submit a single application for funding per PPA to this action throughout the duration of this call for proposals,
  • No work must have started on the project before the publication of the call (31/10/2019). 

Program Budget

Program Budget

The total budget of the Public Expenditure amounts to  4.000.000,00€ with the possibility of increase.

The Public Expenditure of the Action is financed by the Greek State and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union under the The ERDF contributes to the financing of aid to stimulate economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing regional disparities and supporting structural improvements and adjustments of regional economies, including the reconstruction of declining industrial regions.

Funding will be provided in accordance with the Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (de minimis).

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

The subsidised budget of each investment proposal of a potential beneficiary of aid may range from €1,000 to €10,000.

The Public Funding  rateis 100% of the value of all eligible and subsidised expenditure.

If the total expenditure incurred by the company exceeds the amount of 15.000,00€, the additional expenditure will be paid by the company.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

The funds of this Action cover the costs for the purchase of a service from an Innovation Agency recognised in accordance with the current legislative framework, for the preparation of a Technology Transfer Plan as described in paragraph and the funding is in accordance with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 (de minimis).

It is clarified that a know-how transfer project concerning a specific problem can be implemented only once by an Innovation Agency. Implementations ofthe same project by the same innovation body to more than one SME will not be eligible for funding.

Important dates

Important dates

Start of online submission of investment projects to the State Aid Management Information System 17/12/2019

Closing date for online submission of investment projects to the State Aid Management Information System31/07/2020 at 15:00

Duration of implementation of investment projects: Six (6) months from the date of adoption of the Decision of Inclusion

Date of commencement of eligibility of expenditure: Date of publication of the call for proposals for this action.

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Useful files

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