Youth Entrepreneurship

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

The Program Youth Entrepreneurship is implemented in the framework of the Operational Programme "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" - (ERAN II) and falls under Priority Axis 2, which seeks to create and expand outward-looking entrepreneurship as a strong and capable condition for the country's productive upgrading towards high value-added goods and services, integrating knowledge and innovation, quality and environmental sensitivity.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

Δικαιούχοι των ενισχύσεων μπορούν να είναι:

  1. Young men and women who:
  2. Born between 1970 and 1991
  3. It is unemployed  employed self-employed persons who did not carry out any business activity from 1.1.2008 until the pre-publication of the programme (4.3.2009).
  • The programme covers business activities in the field of manufacturing  of trade  of services  of tourism and recycling - pollution reduction  as listed in the Annexes.
  • The programme is open to enterprises with a legal form that must be a sole proprietorship or a company (general partnership, limited partnership, limited liability company, limited liability company, joint stock company or partnership), which will be established after the date of the pre-publication of the programme.
  • Επιλέξιµα εταιρικά σχήµατα είναι εκείνα στα οποία:
    1. Women with at least 75% of their funds participating Women
    2. Η διαχείριση της εταιρείας ασκείται αποκλειστικά από τις επιλέξιµες εταίρους – γυναίκες κατά τις διατάξεις του παρόντος κανονισµού.
  • ∆εν επιτρέπεται η συµµετοχή νοµικών προσώπων ως µετόχων / εταίρων. Κατ’ εξαίρεση επιτρέπεται η συµµετοχή Εταιρειών Παροχής Επιχειρηµατικών Κεφαλαίων (Venture Capitals) µε ποσοστό µέχρι 25% του µετοχικού / εταιρικού κεφαλαίου.
  • Exceptionally, the participation of Venture Capitals is allowed with up to 25% of the share capital/corporate capital.
  • Κάθε επιλέξιµο φυσικό πρόσωπο έχει δικαίωµα συµµετοχής σε µία (1) µόνο πρόταση ανά κύκλο του προγράµµατος. Σε περίπτωση συµµετοχής σε περισσότερες από µία προτάσεις στο Πρόγραµµα ή στα δύο Προγράµµατα ταυτόχρονα (Ενίσχυση Επιχειρηµατικότητας Νέων – Ενίσχυση Επιχειρηµατικότητας Γυναικών) οι προτάσεις που αυτό το φυσικό πρόσωπο συµµετέχει θα απορρίπτονται όλες, ανεξαρτήτως της συµµετοχής άλλων προσώπων.

Program budget

Program budget

The programme is financed with a total amount of € 39.178.448,0 from the following operational programmes:

  • An amount of 19.100.080,0 € from the Operational Programme "Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship" approved by the Commission Decision No. C(2007) 5338/26-10-2007 Decision approving Community assistance from the ERDF under the Convergence Objective for the eight regions of Greece (CC1 GR161 PO001).
  • An amount of 9.296.528,0 € from the Regional Operational Programme of Attica approved by the decision no. C(2007) 5443/5-11-2007 Decision approving Community assistance from the ERDF (CC1 R161PO006).
  • An amount of 5.656.302,0 € from the Operational Programme Macedonia-Thrace (Central Macedonia) approved by the Operational Programme of Macedonia-Thrace (Central Macedonia) No. C(2007) 5337/26-10-2007Decision approving Community assistance from the ERDF (CC1 GR161UPO008).
  • An amount of 939.775,0 € from the Operational Programme Macedonia-Thrace (West Macedonia) approved by the Commission Decision No. C(2007) 5337 /26-10-2007 Decision approving Community assistance from the ERDF (CC1 GR161UPO008).
  • An amount of 2.956.777,0 € from the Operational Programme Thessaly-Sterea Ellada-Epiros (Sterea Ellada) approved by the Decision of approval for Community assistance from the ERDF (CC1 GR161UPO001) No E(2007) 5332/26-10-2007.
  • An amount of 1.228.986,0 € from the Operational Programme for Crete and the Aegean Islands (South Aegean) approved by the Decision No E(2007) 5439/5-11-2007 approving Community assistance from the ERDF (CC1 GR161UPO002)

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

The grant amount of the Youth Entrepreneurship Programme varies:

  • from 30.000€ to 200.000€ for businesses in the manufacturing sector and in the recycling and pollution reduction sector
  • from 30.000€ to 100.000€ for service and tourism businesses
  • from 30.000€ to 80.000€ for commercial enterprises

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

  • Equipment and Special Facilities
  • Buildings & ∆Shaping of Spaces
  • Promotion, Other expenditure, Consultancy services

Important dates

Important dates

The deadline for submitting proposals is from 15/06/2009 to 14/09/2009.

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Necessary supporting documents for submission

  • For any natural or legal person:
    A copy of the income tax return (E1) and/or the corresponding statement for the financial year 2009 (financial year 2008), or the corresponding certified Affidavit of the Law 1599/86 that the natural or legal person is not obliged to submit a tax return, or a certificate of the Tax Office that the natural or legal person is not obliged to submit a tax return
    In case the beneficiary has no obligation to file a tax return, the above is replaced by a relevant certificate from the Tax Office.
  • Photocopy of both sides of the police identity card of each participating beneficiary (natural person)
  • Certificates of the qualifications of prospective entrepreneurs. The following are accepted: certificates or attestations of the insurance institution, diplomas, certificates of education and training, family business tax returns (in the case of employment in a family business), or any other evidence, including a certified Declaration of Responsibility under Law No. 1599/86 of the applicant's experience

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