Strengthening very small, small and medium enterprises of the North Aegean Region for their modernization through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), automation systems as well as e-commerce investments (e.g. e-business and / or digital Marketing)

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

The Action concerns support for existing micro, small and medium enterprises to meet their technological needs, using  information and communication technologies (ICT) , the integration of automation systems (directly linked to ICT) in their production, operational and administrative processes, as well as the development of e-business (e.g. e-commerce, e-booking and e-payments, etc.).

The aim of this action is to strengthen micro, small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the  North Aegean Region  for the acquisition and use of ICT services and products, automation systems and e-business development, which will make them competitive, improve their market position and increase their extroversion. The technological upgrading of the Region's businesses is expected to contribute to the exploitation of the comparative advantages of the region, the strengthening of the competitiveness of the local economy and the increase of employment.

The action Supporting micro, small and medium enterprises of the North Aegean Region for their modernization through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), automation systems and e-commerce investments (e.g. e-business and/or Digital Marketing), funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Programme "North Aegean" (OP "North Aegean") of the NSRF 2014-2020.

The investment aid concerns investments in tangible and intangible assets and services related to the modernisation/optimisation of business activity using ICT, in particular:

  • E-Commerce
  • Electronic Bookings
  • Internal Organisation, using ICT
  • Production Management, with the use of ICT
  • Telecommunication and Creative Services
  • Digital Viewing - Advertising
  • Automation systems

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

The action Support micro, small and medium enterprises of the North Aegean Region for their modernization through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), automation systems and e-commerce investments (e.g. e-business and / or digital marketing), concerns Small and medium-sized enterprises established in North Aegean Region, are active - have one or more of the eligible Activity Code Numbers (IDs) included in Annex VIII of the call, with particular emphasis on the following priority areas of the Smart Specialisation Strategy (RIS3) of North Aegean Region:

Program Budget

Program Budget

The total subsidised budget of this call in the North Aegean Region is estimated at  3.570.000 € and the total Public Expenditure at 2.500.000 €.

The difference between the total subsidised budget and the public expenditure is defined as the own contribution, which will be covered by the beneficiaries (enterprises).

The The public expenditure of the Call for Proposals of €2.500.000, is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and National Funds. The ERDF contributes to the financing of aid to stimulate economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing regional disparities and supporting the structural improvements and adjustment of regional economies, including the reconstruction of declining industrial regions. In the context of the 2014-2020 programming period, the ERDF should contribute to the Union's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, thus ensuring a greater concentration of support on the Union's priorities.

The subsidised budget of each investment project ranges from 10.000€ to 50.000€.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of Grant

The aid intensity of investment proposals for all eligible costs of investment projects under this Call for Proposals is 70%.

The public funding is paid directly to the company and may not be transferred to third parties. Exceptionally, public financing (excluding the advance payment) may be assigned to a bank to provide a short-term loan corresponding to part or all of the public financing used to carry out the investment. In such cases, the public financing is paid directly to the Bank with which the assignment contract has been signed, for the equivalent part of this short-term loan. In cases of assignment, the investor is required to present the assignment contract with the Credit Institution to the competent body for the management and monitoring of the programme.

To cover the private contribution, the potential beneficiary of the aid may use either own resources or borrowing.

After the signature of the integration decision, the beneficiary may use a special bank account in the form of "Open Escrow Account" ( ) in order to pay the grant to the already implemented, invoiced and certified in Intermediate Verification - Certification by the Intermediate Body, directly to its providers/suppliers.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

In the Action Support of micro, small and medium enterprises of the North Aegean Region for their modernization through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), automation systems and e-commerce investments (e.g. e-business and/or digital Marketing), the following categories of expenditure will be funded:

  • Category 1 (up to 100% of the investment project's budget):
    • Workstations (desktops, laptops etc.): Up to 40% of the project budget
    • Servers (Servers)
    • Network equipment (Switches, Routers, etc.)
    • Regional equipment (printer, scanner, UPS, etc.)
    • Other technological equipment (cashdrawers, barcode readers, electronic scales, interactive whiteboards, wireless PDAs, etc.): Up to 40% of the project budget
  • Category 2 (up to 100% of the investment project's budget):
    • Operating system licences
    • Office applications, antivirus, etc.
    • Applications that help optimize production and business processes (ERP, SCMS, WMS, etc.)
    • Business customer or personnel management applications (CRM, HRMS, etc.)
    • Design applications (CAD/CAM/CAE)
    • Support of cash invoicing and receipting systems (Front Office - Point of Sales)
    • Issuing and sending electronic documents
    • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with suppliers - customers
    • Loyalty management program (loyalty)
    • Credit control management and/or electronic payment applications
    • Booking Channel Management (Booking Channel Management)
    • Internal organisation applications to support electronic bookings (e.g. PMS / Property Management System)
    • Other specific applications directly related to the investment ID(s)
    • Website development/upgrade (will work in 2 languages and in mobile devices - mobile responsive or dedicated mobile version): Up to 2.500€
    • e-shop development and management services (it will operate in 2 languages and in a mobile device environment - mobile responsive or dedicated mobile version and will be accompanied by the following software: ordering, warehouse and electronic payments. It should also be accessible to people with disabilities): Up to 4.000€
    • Participation in Domestic and Foreign Electronic Marketplaces (e-Marketplaces), whether these are B2C (Business to Consumer) or B2B /B2E (Business to Business) type activities, for sales, purchases, product promotion and catalogue, price comparison, participation in commissions, invoices and payments, participation in electronic competitions and auctions, etc,
    • Support services for purchased software (up to 1 year from the time of purchase - subscription renewals not included)
    • Software installation - configuration services and staff training on the software supplied (60% of the purchase cost of the software/application)
  • Category 3 (up to 100% of the investment project's budget):
    • Supply of automation systems
      • Automated systems for energy saving
      • Systems for the automation of production and/or services
      • Automated production or process control systems
      • Space control systems
      • Security systems
      • Automatic positioning systems
    • Installation - configuration of automation systems and training of personnel on the automation system supplied (60% of the purchase cost of the system).
  • Category 4 (up to 50% of the investment project's budget):
    • Φιλοξενία (hosting, collocation κτλ.)
    • Internet connection
    • Digital marketing services (google ads, facebook ads)
    • Presence on Social media
    • Development services of digital advertising material
    • Advertising entries in electronic form: Up to 3.000 €
    • Translation services of the content of the online store
    • Development and/or certification of digital security policy: Up to 2.000€
    • Υπηρεσίες καταχώρησης, μετασχηματισμού και μεταφοράς δεδομένων
    • Compilation and monitoring of the investment plan: Up to 2.500€


Important dates

Important dates

Date of the online submission of investment projects to the State Aid Management Information System: 17/03/2020 at 1.00 p.m.

Closing date for online submission of investment projects to the State Aid Management Information System: 11/09/2020 at 3:00 pm.

Duration of implementation of investment projects: Twelve (12) years from the date of adoption of the Decision of Inclusion


Necessary supporting documents for submission

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