Entrepreneurship Toolkit: Trade – Focus – Education

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

The Entrepreneurship Toolkit: Trade - Catering - Education concerns the upgrading of existing micro and small enterprises that are active:

in order to upgrade their level of operational organisation and functioning in the sectors:

The above eligible interventions are linked to the five (5) strategic priority areas of the ERDF i.e:

  • Energy
  • Environment
  • Information and Communication Technologies ICT
  • Health
  • Supply Chain

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

Existing micro and small enterprises in the sectors:

  • Retail
  • Hospitality
  • Education - Social Care (without accommodation)

Eligible for a subsidy from the programme are businesses that before the date of online submission of the funding proposal:

  • have closed at least three (3) full twelve-month financial years
  • feature at least one of the eligible investment KAUs, as an active main or secondary activity, throughout these last three financial years. Mandatorily, the investment IDs selected must belong to one of the 3 sectors.
  • have at least the following minimum number of PPS of paid employment in the year preceding the electronic submission of the funding proposal, as follows:
    • For the retail trade sector (Eligible SICs belonging to categories 45 and 47):  1JIU
    • For the catering sector (Eligible SGEIs belonging to category 56):  2PPAs
    • Για τον κλάδο της εκπαίδευσης- κοινωνικής μέριμνας (χωρίς παροχή καταλύματος), (επιλέξιμοι ΚΑΔ που ανήκουν στην κατηγορία 85 και 88): 3 ΕΜΕ

Program Budget

Program Budget

The budget of the action amounts to 60.000.000 € (public expenditure) and is broken down by 20.000.000 € for each sector.

The subsidised budget of each investment project ranges from €10,000 to €150,000.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

The rate of the grant is 50% of the eligible budget.

To cover the private contribution, the potential beneficiary of the aid may use either own resources or borrowing.

After the signature of the integration decision, the beneficiary may use a special bank account in the form of "Open Escrow Account" ( ) in order to pay the grant to the already implemented, invoiced and certified in Intermediate Verification - Certification by the Intermediate Body, directly to its providers/suppliers.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

Eligible costs include, inter alia:

  • Interventions on the building and the surrounding area to save energy, improve hygiene and safety and facilitate disabled access
  • Purchase of equipment for energy saving and/or environmental protection, for upgrading hygiene and safety in the premises of the business, Specialised ICT equipment and software, as well as other equipment for the operational modernisation of the business
  • Purchase of transport equipment and expenditure on the conversion of a diesel/petrol vehicle engine to a dual fuel oil/petrol/gasoline/gasoline (CNG) engine
  • Certification of services and/or management systems according to national, harmonised and other European and international standards
  • Issuance of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) and preparation of technical studies
  • Staff training in First Aid - CPR
  • Σύνταξη και παρακολούθηση επενδυτικού σχεδίου
  • Wage costs of employees (new staff). Please note that spouses and first and second degree relatives are not eligible.

Eligible costs of the Programme in the context of energy saving:

  • work to configure the appropriate premises of the company to optimise energy management and the environmental footprint
  • renewal of equipment with new, energy-efficient equipment
  • certification of businesses with modern specialised standards in order to improve the quality of services, such as the ELOT 1452 standard - Quality Management System for commercial establishments

Eligible costs of the Programme in the ICT sector:

  • development of electronic systems for the promotion of products and services on the internet (web sites)
  • development of e-shops
  • technological equipment relevant to the activities of the business (e.g. cashdrawers, barcode readers - UPS, electronic scales, interactive tables, desktop PCs-MACs, necessary for the implementation and use of new software included in the investment, 3d printers, settopboxes, wireless ordering devices (PDAs), etc.)
  • renewal of pedagogical material (interactive whiteboards, projectors)
  • digital equipment to support the service (e.g. electronic ordering, etc.)
  • use of cloud infrastructure for application and data management
  • support of cash invoicing and receipting systems (Front Office - Point of Sales)
  • participation in Greek e-marketplaces (e-Marketplaces), whether they are B2C (Business to Consumer) or B2B /B2E (Business to Business), for sales, purchases, product display and catalogue, price comparison, participation in commissions, invoices and payments, participation in electronic competitions and auctions
  • integration of the new systems with any existing business applications (accounting system, enterprise resource management system, etc.)
  • Issuing and sending electronic documents
  • Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with suppliers - customers
  • Loyalty management program (loyalty)
  • Booking Channel Management (Booking Channel Management)
  • Internal organisation applications to support electronic bookings (e.g. PMS / Property Management System)
  • Applications that help to optimise production and business processes as well as customer or personnel management

Eligible costs of the Programme in the context of hygiene and safety of premises:

  • Supply and installation of security lighting systems
  • Supply and installation of active fire protection systems
  • Supply and installation of leak detection systems (e.g. LPG, water)
  • Replacement of equipment that a) causes noise, b) presents an increased risk of ignition, c) presents an increased risk of accident - stress
  • Supply and installation of security systems
  • Supply of medical first aid equipment (e.g. external defibrillator)
  • Supply of personal protective equipment for workers

It is noted that, expenditure equal to at least 30% of the approved subsidised budget of the investment, it must have been carried out and have been the subject of a verification request within the first twelve (12) months from the date of the adoption of the Inclusion Decision. Otherwise, the grant budget will be reduced by the amount by which the amount of the verification request is less than 30% of the grant budget.

Important dates

Important dates

Date of publication of the call: 19/12/2018

Funding application period: 27/2/2019 - 31/5/2019

Date of commencement of eligibility of expenditure: Date of publication of the call for proposals

Duration of Implementation of Investment Plan
Η προθεσμία ολοκλήρωσης των χρηματοδοτούμενων επενδύσεων may not exceed thirty (30) months and one hundred and thirty-two (132) days in total from the date of the adoption of the decision of inclusion. In the event that a deadline set out above expires on a non-working day, it shall be extended until the first working day.

Exceptionally, especially and only for those investment projects for which the date of adoption of the decision of inclusion in the Action is later than 11-06-2020, the deadline for their completion cannot exceed thirty (30) months from the date of adoption of the Decision of Inclusion.

Όταν με βάση τις ανωτέρω ορισθείσες χρονικές διάρκειες υλοποίησης των επενδυτικών έργων οι προβλεπόμενες ημερομηνίες ολοκλήρωσης του φυσικού και οικονομικού αντικειμένου είναι μεταγενέστερες της 31-12-2023, τότε ορίζεται ως καταληκτική ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης η 31-12-2023.

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Useful files

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