Quality Modernization

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

 The new Action Quality Modernisation concerns the financing of business projects medium-sized enterprises and is an integrated intervention aimed at strengthening them to produce high quality products and services and to improve their export potential. It aims to improve the competitiveness of medium-sized enterprises by investing in their productive modernisation and the adoption of standardisation and certification systems.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

Beneficiaries of the Quality Modernization Action are existing medium-sized enterprises, which before the date of online submission of the funding application:

  • have closed at least 3 financial years of 12 months duration
  • διαθέτουν έναν τουλάχιστον επιλέξιμο ΚΑΔ του Παραρτήματος ΙV

Eligible Sectors of Activity

Basic Conditions for Participation

Businesses should:

  • Have the status of a medium-sized enterprise, according to Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC
  • Operate legally and have all the necessary operating licenses
  • To operate as S.E., E.P.E., O.E., E.E., I.K.E., N.E.P.A., Individual Enterprise, Social Cooperative Enterprise of Law 4430/2016, Cooperative and to keep or commit to keep if approved single-entry or double-entry books of Law 4308/2014
  • Submit to investment projects expenditure that has not been financed and has not been included in another programme financed by national or Community resources
  • Να πραγματοποιήσουν μία επενδυτική πρόταση ανά Α.Φ.Μ., αποκλειστικά σε μία μόνο Περιφέρεια

Τόπος υλοποίησης της επένδυσης

Η Δράση αφορά επενδύσεις που θα γίνουν σε όλη την Ελληνική Επικράτεια.

Program Budget

Program Budget

 Ο συνολικός προϋπολογισμός της δράσης Quality Modernization amounts to 150 cm. € για το σύνολο των περιφερειών της χώρας.

The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by national resources.

The subsidised budget of each investment project ranges from €50,000 to €400,000.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

Το ποσό της επιχορήγησης ανέρχεται στο 50% του κόστους του επενδυτικού σχεδίου.

To cover the private contribution, the potential beneficiary of the aid may use either own resources or borrowing.

After the signature of the integration decision, the beneficiary may use a special bank account in the form of "Open Escrow Account" ( ) in order to pay the grant to the already implemented, invoiced and certified in Intermediate Verification - Certification by the Intermediate Body, directly to its providers/suppliers.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

 The call for proposals can fund proposals concerning:

1. Machinery - Equipment

This category includes the supply of machinery - equipment necessary for the activity of the enterprise. Eligible costs are those relating to the supply, transport, installation and operation of new machinery and other equipment directly linked to the activity of the  undertakingand serving the production, storage, distribution of products and, in general, the operation of the undertaking and the provision of its services, under the following conditions:

  • The equipment supplied must be new, unused and in the ownership of the company.
  • The supply of equipment necessary for the activity of the business such as e.g. supply of cars (ambulances for private clinics, cars for hire/rent a car, boats e.g. for N.E.P.A., special equipment for the service of tourist activities e.g. canoe kayak, surfboard, climbing equipment, jet-ski, aqua scooter etc.
  • Expenditure on the supply of project machinery (e.g. excavators), electric or motorised forklifts, forklifts of all types such as CLARK type, is also included in this category.
  • The supply of IT and technological communication equipment and software is eligible and falls under this category when it is directly linked to the economic activity of the enterprise and is necessary for the exercise of that activity.
  • Expenditure relating to customs duties, taxes, fees, customs clearance and customs clearance fees are not eligible.
  • Equipment leasing expenditure is considered eligible expenditure only when the lessor can enter into leasing contracts in accordance with the provisions of L. 1665/1986 (Government Gazette 194 A'), as in force, and in any case in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of the Decision of the Minister of Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism 81986/EYΘΥ712/31.7.2015 "National rules on eligibility of expenditure for the programmes of the NSRF 2014-2020 - Legitimacy checks of public contracts of co-financed operations NSRF 2014-2020 by Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies - Objections procedure on the results of the evaluation of operations" (Government Gazette 1822/B/24.08.2015), as in force.
  • Δεν είναι επιλέξιμη η αγορά του οχήματος έλξης (τράκτορα) σε επιχειρήσεις που εκτελούν οδικές εμπορευματικές μεταφορές για λογαριασμό τρίτων. In these enterprises, the cost of purchasing the MONO of the towed part of the vehicle (trailer, wagon, etc.) is eligible and included in this category of expenditure.
  • This category also includes the purchase - transport - installation and operation of equipment and systems for production, storage, aimed at saving energy and protecting the environment.
  • It should be noted that for the production of electricity from a renewable energy installation, it is required:
    - ensure, where required, that the appropriate permits are obtained for both the implementation and operation of the RES installation
    - the electricity generated by the renewable energy installation must be demonstrated to meet the needs of the undertaking.
    - the generated electrical power of the RES installation cannot exceed the sum of the electrical consumption of the undertaking, as shown by the electromechanical study of the installation in which the RES installation to be included is installed or by a certificate and/or other appropriate documentation from a competent person/entity. In other words, the electricity generated by the RES installation does not provide an economic benefit. (facilities from
    self-producers with offsetting of produced - consumed energy, net metering installations)

2. Certification Systems - Quality Management, Product Design, Standardization and Certification

This category includes actions/expenditure related to:

  • the design and certification as well as the packaging/labelling of products/services.
  • certification and/or accreditation (where required) according to specific standards for the right of entry of the company's products into specific new target markets.

Indicatively, the following may be included:

  • Product/service design or redesign of existing products to be launched in new markets.
  • Label/packaging design or redesign.
  • Testing/verification/certification of products/product packaging by accredited bodies (domestic or foreign).
  • Testing and inspection of materials by accredited bodies (internal or external).
  • Equipment intended for laboratory measurements, tests and analyses.
  • Creation of databases with design and manufacturing data of the produced products.
  • Certification of Systems by accredited bodies (internal or external).
  • Laboratory equipment related to quality control/quality assurance/ensuring compliance with various standards.
  • Procedures for specialised compliance marks.
  • Procedures for the design and installation of management, control and measurement systems, functions and processes.

It is noted that:

  • Any of the above related to certification will be eligible only if they result in obtaining the requested Certification/Accreditation.
  • Such expenditure is eligible provided that during the final verification/certification the relevant certificate issued by an accredited certification body, which must have been issued by the date of completion of the investment project or it must be documented that the conditions for its issuance are fulfilled, i.e. that the certification inspection has been positively completed.
  • The cost of renewing a certification scheme is not eligible.

3. Means of transport

This category includes the supply of self-propelled means of transport subject to the following restrictions:

i. The means of transport must be new, unused, in the ownership of the company and with pollutant specifications in accordance with the applicable statutory

ii. The means of transport to be:

- or professional use
- either mixed/multi-purpose, up to nine (9) seats and used to transport customers without fare and/or equipment/materials.

iii. The supply of the means of transport must be justified by the activity carried out by the undertaking and must not be for hire.

iv. Expenditure on the leasing of means of transport shall be considered eligible expenditure only where the lessor may conclude leasing contracts
in accordance with the provisions of L. 1665/1986 (Government Gazette 194 A'), as in force, and in any case in accordance with the provisions of Article 19 of the Decision of the Minister of
Economy, Infrastructure, Shipping and Tourism 81986/EYΘY712/31.7.2015 "National rules on eligibility of expenditure for the NSRF 2014-2020 programmes - Checks
legality of public contracts of co-funded operations NSRF 2014-2020 by Managing Authorities and Intermediate Bodies - Objections procedure on the
evaluation results of operations" (Government Gazette 1822/B/24.08.2015), as in force.

v. Expenditure relating to customs duties, taxes, fees, customs clearance and customs clearance fees are not eligible.

4. Drafting and monitoring of the investment plan

The costs of providing services, monitoring and managing the implementation of the investment project are eligible under the following conditions:

  • They must relate to the period from the date of publication of the call for proposals until the completion of the investment.
  • Possible accommodation, travel and other travel costs of consultants are included in their total fees and are not eligible as separate costs.

5. Employee salary costs (new staff)

Staff costs are eligible under the following conditions:

  • Employees must be employed in the enterprise on a full-time or part-time dependent basis (salaried employment).
  • All calculations are made in EMU. Part-time employees are counted as fractions of FTE.
  • Expenditure under this category is eligible during the implementation of the operation.
  • Expenditure in this category is included in the total subsidised budget of the investment project and up to the eligible limit.
  • The subsidised annual work units (AWUs) must be additional to the AWUs of the enterprise before the date of eligibility of expenditure under this Call for Proposals.
  • The FTEs are certified on an accrual basis (full or fractional FTEs), based on the employment data to be reported in the beneficiary's request for certification of the completion of the investment project.
  • E.M.E. of paid work the cost of which is subsidised by another body (e.g. the Employment Agency), is not eligible expenditure for co-financing under this category of expenditure.
  • The employment of employees who are the spouses or first and second degree relatives of the investors - shareholders and the management/representation of the company is not counted.

Maximum amounts and percentages of the subsidised budget

  • Up to 100% may concern machinery and equipment and certification systems - quality management, design, standardisation and certification of products
  • Up to 4.000 € grant for the preparation and monitoring of the investment plan
  • 40% of the subsidised budget and up to EUR 24.000 for at least one permanent job, which will be related to the wage costs of employees (new staff) supported by the ESF
  • For means of transport the following two cases are foreseen, up to 20% of the budget of the subsidized investment project or expenditure up to 25.000 €

Important dates

Important dates

 Online Submission Date: 27.06.2018 at 12.00 p.m.

  • The call will remain open for applications until the available budget is exhausted and at the latest 18 months after the initial publication of the call.
  • Funding applications will be evaluated on a first-come, first-served basis, according to the date of online submission of the investment project

Date of commencement of eligibility of expenditure: Date of publication of the call for proposals
Duration of Implementation of Investment Plan
Η προθεσμία ολοκλήρωσης των χρηματοδοτούμενων επενδύσεων may not exceed thirty-six (36) months and one hundred and thirty-two (132) days in total from the date of issue of the decision of inclusion. In the event that a deadline set out above expires on a non-working day, it shall be extended until the first working day.

Exceptionally, especially and only for those investment projects for which the date of the decision of inclusion in the Action is later than 11-06-2020, the deadline for their completion cannot exceed thirty-six (36) months from the date of adoption of the Decision of Inclusion.

Όταν με βάση τις ανωτέρω ορισθείσες χρονικές διάρκειες υλοποίησης των επενδυτικών έργων οι προβλεπόμενες ημερομηνίες ολοκλήρωσης του φυσικού και οικονομικού αντικειμένου είναι μεταγενέστερες της 31-12-2023, τότε ορίζεται ως καταληκτική ημερομηνία ολοκλήρωσης η 31-12-2023.

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