The programme
The Program
The purpose of the Smart Manufacturing Action under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, in Axis 4.6 is to modernize and improve the resilience of key sectors of the country's economy", and specifically in Recovery Pillar 4 "Private Investment and Transformation of the Economy" and in Action 16721: "Accelerating Smart Manufacturing".
The aim of the action is to accelerate the industrial transition through the digitalisation of business and production functions to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and create a resilient industry.
The total Subsidised Public Expenditure of the Action, under this Call, is estimated at73.227.620 €. The Public Expenditure of the Action is financed by the Greek State and the European Union, and in particular by
the Recovery and Resilience Fund
for the period 2022-2025.
Who it concerns
Who it concerns
Beneficiaries, eligible for public funding under this action, are defined as small and micro enterprises and medium-sized enterprises that carry out economic activity in the Greek territory in eligible Activity Code Numbers (ACNs)
The beneficiaries of the Smart Manufacturing Action are
using a simple or double-entry accounting system (keeping category B or C books), which must have been established before the date of publication of the call for proposals, as well as new enterprises.
- Existing enterprises are enterprises that have completed two or more financial years by 31/12/2021.
- New enterprises are enterprises that have not completed two financial years by 31/12/2021
For the purposes of the Action, the date of establishment of a business is the date of commencement of activity, as recorded in the relevant Activity Commencement Certificate of the relevant Tax Office.
Businesses must have legal form as an SA, LLC, LLC, TE, EU, IKE and/or sole proprietorship.
It should be noted that 70% of the action budget will be allocated exclusively to micro and small enterprises operating in the eligible CDOs of this call, while 30% will be allocated to medium-sized enterprises operating in the eligible CDOs of this call.
In addition, of the total budget allocated to micro and small enterprises operating in the eligible SGEIs of this call, 80% will be allocated to existing enterprises and 20% to new enterprises.
Μη επιλέξιμες επιχειρήσεις
- Οι δημόσιες επιχειρήσεις, οι δημόσιοι φορείς ή δημόσιοι οργανισμοί ή/και οι θυγατρικές τους, καθώς και επιχειρήσεις που εξομοιώνονται με αυτές.
- Οι επιχειρήσεις που εντάσσονται σε ήδη οργανωμένο ομοιόμορφο δίκτυο διανομής προϊόντων ή παροχής υπηρεσιών και οι οποίες εκμεταλλεύονται κατόπιν σχετικών συμβάσεων άδειες εκμετάλλευσης δικαιωμάτων διανοητικής ιδιοκτησίας, που αφορούν συνήθως εμπορικά σήματα ή διακριτικούς τίτλους και τεχνογνωσία για την χρήση και τη διανομή αγαθών ή υπηρεσιών (π.χ. franchising, Shop in shop, δίκτυο πρακτόρευσης κλπ).
- Offshore companies and companies whose owners/shareholders/partners participate in offshore companies.
- Undertakings active in the fisheries and aquaculture sectors covered by Regulation (EC) No . 104/2000 of the Council
- Enterprises active in the primary production of agricultural products e.g. olive picking
- Enterprises in the processing and marketing of agricultural products, in the following cases:
- where the amount of the aid is determined on the basis of the price or quantity of the products concerned purchased from primary producers or put on the market by the undertakings concerned,
- where the aid is accompanied by an obligation to pay all or part of the aid to primary producers.
- Aid for activities linked to exports to third countries or Member States, in particular aid directly linked to the quantities exported, to the establishment and operation of a distribution network or to other current expenditure linked to the export activity,
- Aid contingent upon the use of domestic over imported goods.
- Aid favouring activities in the steel, coal, shipbuilding or synthetic fibres sectors and aid to transport and related infrastructure, nor aid to energy production, distribution and infrastructure, with the exception of regional investment aid in the outermost regions
- Aid facilitating the closure of uncompetitive coal mines falling within the scope of Council Decision 2010/787/EU, in accordance with the provisions of par. 3(d) of Article 1 of the GATS.
Program budget
Program budget
The total Subsidised Public Expenditure of the Action Smart Manufacturing, under this Call, is estimated to amount to 73.227.620 €. The Public Expenditure of the Action is financed by the Greek State and the European Union, and in particular by the Recovery and Resilience Fund for the period 2022-2025, broken down as follows:
- 70% of the budget of the sub-project will be allocated to micro and small enterprises operating in the eligible SGEIs of this call
- 30% of the budget of the sub-project will be allocated to the medium-sized enterprises operating in the eligible CDOs of this call.
Amount of subsidy
Amount of subsidy
Under the Smart Manufacturing Action, the subsidised budget of each investment proposal of a potential beneficiary of aid may not be less than two hundred and fifty thousand euros (250.000 €) and may not exceed the amount of six million euros (6.000.000 €).
Amplification intensity
The Central, Northern and Southern Sectors of Athens are excluded from the aid.
As regards aid for vocational training, according to par. 4 of Article 31 GER, the aid intensity not more than 50 % of the eligible costs, and may be increased up to a maximum of 70 % of eligible costs as follows:
(a) by 10 percentage points, whether the vocational training is aimed at disabled or disadvantaged workers;
(b) by 10 percentage points if the aid is granted to medium-sized enterprises and by 20 percentage points if it is granted to small businesses.
Expenses subsidized
Eligible costs

Regional aid expenditure (GAC Article 14 of Section 1) as applicable:
a) Construction or modernization of real estate.
b) Landscaping of the surrounding area in order to serve the needs of the unit.
(c) Vehicles with which the undertaking carries out transport of its material goods within the premises of the establishment.
d) Purchase, transport and installation of new equipment, including laboratory equipment to the extent that it serves the operation of the unit. The choice of mechanical equipment will be made with a view to environmental protection (e.g. low energy consumption, water saving technologies, etc.)
e) Expenditure on computerisation equipment for the company (such as the purchase of telephone installations, intercommunication networks, computers and peripheral equipment, photocopiers, security systems for the premises, fire protection systems for the premises) accompanied by the relevant certificates for the protection of the environment. Includes expenditure on remote and intelligent management of equipment, installation of remote control systems, etc. (and other investments in digital upgrading of enterprises).
f) Expenditure on structures to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities
g) Intangible assets, such as software acquisition (excluding SaaS licences) and acquisitions of patents, intellectual property rights licences.
Intangible assets should be demonstrated to relate to innovative practices and/or products, or the application of innovative methods covering more than one sector of the industrial ecosystem.
Intangible assets are eligible for the calculation of investment costs if they are used exclusively in the business establishment receiving the aid, are depreciable, are purchased at market conditions from third parties unrelated to the purchaser, are included in the assets of the enterprise receiving the aid and remain linked to the project for which the aid is granted for at least three years in the case of SMEs.
It should be noted that the investment must meet the conditions for initial investment as defined in Article 2(49) of the General Tax Code
Expenditure other than regional aid:
Aid for consultancy services to SMEs (GAC 651/2014, Article 18 of Section 2 of Chapter 3)
Eligible costs for which aid is granted, subject to the more specific terms and conditions laid down in Article 18, are the following:
(aa) The eligible costs shall be the cost of advisory services provided by external consultants.
(bb) Such services must not constitute a continuous or periodic activity nor be linked to the enterprise's usual operating expenditure, such as regular tax consultancy services or advertising services.
cc) Potential beneficiaries are only SMEs and in any case all the conditions of the General Part and the applicable article of the GAC must be fulfilled.
Important dates
Important dates
Start date for online submission of business plans to the PSCE: 23/11/2022
Deadline for online submission of business plans: 23/01/2023
Date of eligibility of expenditure: Date of application to the Action
Duration of project implementation: Up to 24 months from the date of signature of the decision to integrate the enterprise. There is the possibility of an extension of up to 6 months, with the submission of a documented request up to one (1) month before the date of completion of the physical and financial scope of the project.
Minimum 1st year expenditure
It should be noted that expenditure equal to at least 30% of the approved subsidised budget of the investment in question must have been incurred and subject to a request for verification in the first year of implementation. Otherwise the investment project will be excluded from this call.
Απαραίτητα Δικαιολογητικά
Απαραίτητα Δικαιολογητικά
Application documents
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Useful Archives