Third call on the measure: Processing of fisheries and aquaculture products

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme

The programme

Third call for applications for funding for investment projects under the measure, Processing of fisheries and aquaculture products.

The measure is part of the Operational Programme for Fisheries & the Sea 2014-2020 and is co-financed by 75% by European Union funds and by 25% by Greece.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

- Natural or legal persons or associations thereof, collective bodies and other organisations, which are responsible for carrying out the operation submitted for support and which ultimately bear the cost of the operation.
- Applications from companies in the process of being set up are not accepted.
- Applications from companies larger than an SME will not be accepted.

Conditions for participation

The measure Processing of fisheries and aquaculture products concerns the following types of operations:

- Saving energy or reducing the impact on environment
- Improving safety, hygiene, health and health and working conditions
- Processing of fish not intended for human consumption
- Processing of by-products
- Processing of organic products aquaculture
- New or improved products, processes or management systems

The objectives of the above Acts will be achieved exclusively through the implementation of the following actions:

Α. Establishment of new manufacturing units
Β. Mechanical and/or building extension existing manufacturing plants.
Γ. Modernisation or relocation of existing processing plants.

Each submitted investment project should serve exclusively the implementation of one of the above actions, with the exception of actions B and C which can be implemented jointly.
In particular, the processing procedures of the above actions concern the preparation and presentation of the presented products, which includes:
- cutting into fillets,
- the packaging,
- canning,
- the freezer,
- smoking,
- the salting,
- cooking,
- preservation in vinegar,
- drying, or
- the preparation of fish for market by any other means.

Program Budget

Program Budget

The budget for the measure ' Processing of fishery and aquaculture products' is EUR 10 000 000.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

Both the requested and the approved and finally completed and certified budget of the investment proposals under measure Processing of fishery and aquaculture products, must be more than EUR 20.000 and not more than EUR 4.000.000.

The date of completion of the Actions (physical and financial scope - date of payment of the last invoice of expenditure) is 30 June 2023, with no possibility of extension.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

By way of indication, the following expenditure is considered eligible for the implementation of the Actions of this Decision:
I. Expenditure on the acquisition of land necessary for the operation is eligible provided that the following conditions are cumulatively met:
- The eligible expenditure for the acquisition of the land cannot exceed the objective value of the land, as reflected in the ENFIA statement.
- The land does not belong to the public or to a legal entity of the wider public sector.
- Eligible expenditure for the purchase of unbuilt and built-up land shall not exceed 10% of the total eligible expenditure of the operation (excluding Technical Expenditure and Contingencies). For abandoned and former industrial sites including buildings, this threshold is increased to 15%.
II. Landscaping works up to 10% of the total eligible costs of the operation (excluding technical and contingency costs). Landscaping works do not include works carried out in the surrounding area but serving the infrastructure of the installations (water supply, sewerage, drainage works, etc.).
III. Road construction, road opening, surfacing and asphalting works (outside the surrounding area). The maximum eligible expenditure is up to 100.000 € and in any case it will not exceed 10% of the total eligible cost of the project (excluding technical costs and contingencies).
IV. Port works for the safe transport and handling of products.
V. Construction, extension or modernisation of the main or ancillary buildings of the establishment, including the cost of constructing a building for the accommodation of staff and the guarding of the premises, as well as facilities for the management or utilisation of animal by-products, biological waste treatment, fish incineration (furnaces), etc.
VI. Facilities and equipment for retail trade within the manufacturing units when this activity is an ancillary activity of the enterprise.
VII. Work on the construction, extension and modernisation of cold storage and handling facilities for fishery products, and the cost of purchasing, transporting and installing the equipment.
VIII. Transport and installation of the new equipment and means required for the operation of the investment (production, electromechanical equipment, laboratory equipment, etc.).
IX. Modernisation and upgrading with modern equipment of the existing equipment.
X. Construction and equipment for the processing and transformation of fishery and aquaculture by-products.
XI. Purchase, transport and installation of equipment for the production of polystyrene boxes that may be required for the packaging of the plant's products, for the sole purpose of
use for the production needs of the plant.
XII. Purchase, transport and installation of new facilities and equipment.
XIII. Purchase, transport and installation of laboratory equipment
XIV. Purchase, transport and installation of office, staff and meeting room and catering equipment with the necessary equipment. Eligible expenditure under this category will not exceed 10% of the total eligible cost of the operation (excluding technical costs and contingencies).
XV. Purchase, transfer and installation of computerization equipment, management software programs, as well as software for upgrading existing computer systems, studies and systems for the organization and operation of manufacturing and warehouse units.
XVI. Purchase, transfer and installation of security, monitoring and management systems for the plant, provided that the legislation on the protection of personal data is respected.
XVII. Purchase, transfer and installation of energy production systems from renewable sources (photovoltaic panels, wind turbines, biomass burners, etc.), provided that their capacity does not exceed the energy needs of the plant.
XVIII. Purchase of land transport vehicles for:
- the hygienic and safe transport of raw materials and products of the plant,
- the transport of necessary supplies to the unit.
- the safe and expeditious transport of personnel required by the location of the
XIX. Modernisation and upgrading with modern equipment or replacement of existing land transport means. The modernisation or replacement of means of transport concerns means of transport which are more than five (5) years old.
XX. Studies and consultancy fees directly related to the implementation of the Act.
XXI. The costs of the purchase of spare parts are eligible if they are accessories of the main components of the equipment supplied, i.e. they are an integral part of the equipment for its proper functioning in accordance with the terms of supply of the equipment offered by the supplier and do not exceed 10% of the acquisition cost of the equipment supplied.
XXII. Self-produced fixed assets carried out by the Beneficiary are eligible provided that the provisions of the applicable tax legislation are complied with. Eligible expenditure is defined as the actual expenditure incurred by the Beneficiary. Where the accounting presentation of expenditure is lower than the actual expenditure, eligible expenditure is defined as the expenditure determined on the basis of the accounting presentation.
XXIII. Rental costs for the use of fixed assets necessary for the implementation of the operation are eligible provided that the total cost of using the fixed assets throughout the duration of the operation justifies their non-acquisition by other means and subject to the other eligibility rules.
XXIV. Design, implementation and certification of quality management systems, environmental management, self-monitoring, marking - certification of products, according to national or international standards and quality marks.

Important dates

Important dates 

The deadline for submission of applications for the measure Processing of fishery and aquaculture products is Monday 02 August 2021 at 12:00 and the deadline is Friday 15 October 2021 at 14:00.

Applications for funding are submitted by potential Beneficiaries, through the
State Aid Management Information System (SAIS), which is available on the website:
http://www.ependyseis.gr .

Necessary Documents

Απαραίτητα Δικαιολογητικά 

The application file for funding for the measure ' Processing of fishery and aquaculture products' must include, in order of priority, the following supporting documents (which must be harmonised in accordance with the legislation in force) and techno-economic data:
1. Description of the contents of the file
2. A copy of the first page of the online application for funding in the PSCE, indicating the exact date of submission.
3. Declaration with the data on the status of the company, in accordance with No. 2003/361/EC Commission Recommendation and Regulation (EU) 1388/2014 (Model 5) and ANNEX 4, which shall bear the original signature and stamp of the body.
4. Valid codified articles of association of the organisation (or articles of association of the organisation with all its amendments made up to the date of submission of the aid application), accompanied by documentary evidence of its registration/publication (in the General Registry of Commerce or the Court of First Instance) and a recent Certificate of the registered amendments. Applications from companies in the process of being established will not be considered. If the business is a sole proprietorship, a certificate of commencement of business is submitted. If any of the above documents are available through the General Commercial Register (GEMI) website, their submission is not required.
5. Legal documents of representation of the entity (if it does not result from its Articles of Association) and the decision of the competent body for:
i. the appointment of the person responsible for the implementation of the investment project. The above person is the only person responsible for the submission of all the required supporting documents on behalf of the organisation throughout the duration of the project.
ii. the IBAN number of the Bank Account to which the financial aid will be paid.
The above Bank Account shall also be the special account provided for in Annex 5, in case the potential Beneficiary uses this instrument to document its ability to cover the Equity Contribution. In this case, the provisions of Article 16 and Annex 5 of this Agreement shall apply to the Bank Account.
6. Financial data of the organisation for the three (3) years preceding the application. Where the Beneficiaries:
α) They are required to publish a balance sheet and results of operations, their submission and the provision of documentation for their publication (in accordance with the applicable provisions). If any of the above documents are available through the website of the General Data Protection Authority, their submission is not required.
b) They are not required to publish a balance sheet and results of the financial year, but they are required to submit copies of the E3 and E5 income tax forms submitted in the three (3) years preceding this application.
In the case of a newly established company or sole proprietorship that has not completed its first full financial year, there is no obligation to submit the above.
7. A current tax certificate covering the date of application.
8. A valid insurance certificate covering the date of application.
9. Single Certificate of Judicial Solvency, issued up to 2 months before the online submission of the funding application. 10. Responsible declaration of N. 1599/86, , with certified signature or through the Single Digital Portal of Public Administration (gov.gr) using the Form 6A, in which the interested party shall declare that:
➢ He/she has not committed any serious professional misconduct or misconduct contrary to the rules of the EU Common Fisheries Policy and has not been convicted of an offence concerning his/her professional conduct, in accordance with Article 10 of Reg. (EU) 508/2014 of the EMFF and Delegated Regulation (EU) 288/2015.
i. It has not committed a serious infringement under Article 42 of Regulation (EC) No . Council Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008 or Article 90(1) of Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009. IDA: 6IΔΩ4653ΠΓ-2ΨΖ 22 European Union EΠALΘ 2014-2020 European Maritime & Fisheries Fund Fisheries
ii. It has not been involved in the operation, management or ownership of fishing vessels included in the list of IUU fishing vessels of the Union as defined in Article 40(3) of Regulation (EC) No . 1005/2008 or vessels flying the flag of countries designated as non-cooperating third countries in accordance with Article 33 of the same Regulation.
iii. It has not committed serious infringements of the CFP rules which have been so designated in other legislative acts of the European Parliament and the Council.
iv. You have not committed fraud under the European Fisheries Fund or the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.
➢ The enterprise has not received rescue or restructuring aid or that the enterprise has received rescue aid but has repaid the loan and terminated the guarantee agreement or that the enterprise has received restructuring aid which has been completed.
➢ The same subject of the investment has not been proposed or finally submitted for aid - subsidy in a development law or in another Operational Programme.
➢ The operation of the investment will comply with the obligations arising from the implementation of Community and national provisions (CFP, COA, IUU FISHING, Fishery Products Control System, etc.), concerning the handling, marketing, traceability of products, prevention, prevention and eradication of IUU FISHING and the provision of information to the consumer.
➢ The number of new jobs to be created and/or the number of existing jobs to be maintained.
➢ The way and the procedure for covering the Equity Participation. Also, in the case of expansion, modernisation or relocation of an existing unit, the operator shall declare whether or not the original unit was subsidised under any National or Community Programme. If the original plant/installation has been subsidised from National or Community funds: the title of the Programme in which it was included, the date of completion of the investment project and, if it is a replacement of existing infrastructure, if 5 years have elapsed since the supply and installation of the subsidised equipment. For the calculation of the 5-year period, the date of signature of the progress and cost statement by the competent body (ECA, etc.) of the payment instalment to which the equipment or work carried out corresponds shall be taken into account.
11. In case of a loan, a document from a bank or other financial institution indicating its positive interest in granting a loan:
- the amount of the loan, the total cost and the type of operation for which the loan is granted,
- the duration of the loan,
- the interest rate,
- the grace period.
12. Evidence of the entity's ability to pay for its participation in the investment with its own funds, in accordance with ANNEX 5.
13. Resolution of a general meeting of the shareholders/shareholders of the entity, in the case of a company, on the amount and method of covering the own contribution.
14. A detailed techno-economic preliminary study, including:
✓ Introduction. Summary presentation of the operation - summary of the main elements of the operation (brief description of the scope and characteristics of the investment project, location of establishment, total cost, indication of the feasibility and objectives of the undertaking from the implementation of the project).
✓ Section A. Information on the body of the operation (details of the body's establishment, shareholder composition - share capital, details of shareholders/partners, activity of the body, size of the body of the operation).
✓ Section B. Technical description of the operation: description of the proposed operation and its production process, details of the land and its ownership, facilities, surface areas and uses of the premises, and technical description of the basic works and equipment by category of expenditure with reference to attached supporting documents (tenders, drawings, capacity documentation). In the case of modernisation, expansion and/or relocation, the above should be described in relation to the existing situation of the plant.
✓ Section C. Employment data and documentation of existing and new jobs. particularly:
➢ documentation of the calculation of the existing employment positions of the operator of the operation in the unit where the operation will be implemented during the last closed management year prior to the submission of the application.
➢ analysis of the new jobs created by the implementation of the Act and documentation of the calculation of these jobs in terms of FTE.
✓ Section D. Cost of the operation and sources of funding, presentation of a detailed and aggregated cost table by category of expenditure, financing scheme, and analysis of funding sources.
✓ Section E. Market data (industry data based on available statistics).
✓ Section F. Sustainability projections after implementation of the investment (analysis of the sustainability assumptions, in accordance with ANNEX 3). The preliminary techno-economic study, with numbered pages, will be signed and stamped (with the full details of the signatory) by an ichthyologist, by an economist when the proposed cost of the operation exceeds 500,000 euros, and by engineers for the technical drawings of the investment, the preliminary measurements of the installations and the technical specifications of the materials and equipment. Also submitted is a Declaration of Responsibility of the designers, stating that: they legally sign and are responsible for the accuracy of the data of their specialization and the correctness of the relevant calculations.
15. Detailed List of Expenditure of the investment project, in accordance with Model 1 of this document.
16. A certified copy of the title deed of the land plot or rental contract transferred to the relevant Land Registry (Article 618 of the Civil Code). In the case of commercial leases, the current legal status of commercial leases shall be taken into account. In the case of an establishment in a BPE, the commitment of the land by the BPE operator is accepted as proof of the existence of a plot of land. In the case of leasing of public land, the relevant lease contract will be submitted, if provided for by the public authorities.
17. The most recent ENFIA statement or a report from an independent certified valuer or duly authorised official body on the market value of the land on which the investment will be carried out (if its acquisition is an expenditure requested).
18. A topographical diagram, a coverage diagram and technical drawings (elevations, floor plans, sections) accompanying the current licensing of the establishment, showing all the land facilities on which building interventions are proposed. If the implementation of the proposed investment project entails the amendment of the building, installation and/or operation permits of the plant, the technical drawings accompanying the relevant amendment request shall be submitted.
19. Licence for existing means of transport (if the costs of their acquisition or modernisation are included).
20. Decision(s) approving environmental conditions (AEPO) or Standard Environmental Commitments (SEA), as required by the applicable provisions. 21. Veterinary License of the establishment, in accordance with PD 28/2009 (where required).
22. Veterinary Licence of the establishment, according to PD 79/2007 (where required).
23. Approval of a waste disposal study (where required).
24. Building permit for the building facilities under construction as well as for the existing facilities of the plant where building interventions are proposed.
25. Permission to install and/or operate the unit accompanied by the layout drawings of the electrical/electronic equipment (where required). If the implementation of the proposed investment project entails the amendment of the installation and/or operation permit of the unit, the plans for the layout of the electrical/electronic equipment accompanying the relevant amendment request shall be submitted.
26. Permission to operate the installation including compliance with the Standard Environmental Commitments.
27. Water use permit and permit for water resource development projects (where required).
28. Permission to use the seashore and beach and to carry out works (where required).
29. Detailed offers signed by the manufacturer or supplier (buildings, machinery, equipment, means of transport, etc.) with corresponding measurements, which will form the basis for the preparation of the budget (excluding VAT), accompanied by a summary table and corresponding brochures (machinery, equipment). The date of the offers should not be more than six months from the date of submission of the application for funding.

In the case of the permits referred to in points 21 to 29 of this Article (and if required) that are in the process of being issued, renewed or amended at the date of submission of the application for the investment project's integration, the previous permits, if any, and the corresponding request for issue, renewal or amendment shall be submitted. In this case, all the above licences must be submitted with the application for payment of the first instalment of the operation, except for the operating licences which may be submitted with the application for payment of the final instalment of the operation.

The preliminary techno-economic studies will be typed in A4 size, will not be bound and will be submitted in binders.

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