The programme
Supporting the creation and operation of new tourism businesses
The Action Supporting the establishment and operation of new tourism businesses is the third in a row of the entrepreneurship action of the NSRF 2021-2027, which will soon open for applications.
In particular, for the third Entrepreneurship Action, the budget will be 150 million euros (funds from the "Competitiveness" programme of the new NSRF).
Who it concerns
Who it concerns
In particular, as regards the procedure for joining the action, it is noted that medium, small and micro enterprises and start-ups without full management use will be able to submit a proposal. The main conditions for participation of potentially benefiting enterprises are as follows:
- To invest exclusively in one Region.
- Operate in eligible Activity Code(s) - to be defined in the detailed call.
- Provide precise information and data on the location of the investment site on a specific property (land, building or other type of independent site).
- Provide evidence of the ownership of the property.
- Provide a certificate of land use for the above-mentioned investment site.
- Provide evidence of private participation of at least 60% of the proposed subsidised budget of the investment project.
- The investment project must not have commenced operations before the submission of the application for funding.
- If the investment concerns tourist accommodation, it must be of a specific capacity and specifications to be defined in the detailed invitation.
- If the investment concerns furnished tourist accommodation, at least three of them must be in the same EOT mark/METE number (Register of Tourist Enterprises).
- Meet the conditions for the application of Reg. EU 1407/2013 (De Minimis)(limit of 200.000€ per three years based on the dates of the inclusion decisions)
Please note that:
- Δεν θα είναι επιτρεπτή ουσιώδης αλλαγή ως προς το βασικό φυσικό αντικείμενο και τη χωροθέτηση της επένδυσης
- No substantial change or variation in the persons and percentages of participation will be allowed throughout the duration of the project, from the submission of the application for funding until the completion and repayment of the investment
- It is not permitted for a natural person/entity to be a partner in more than one approved funding application.
- The evaluation of applications will be immediate (First Come First Served) and investment projects will be examined in the order in which they are submitted until the budget of the action is exhausted. An initial eligibility check will be carried out and then eligible projects will be scored on the basis of criteria related to:
- securing private participation by rating the availability of partner funds
- the experience of the partners/shareholders of the company in implementing the investment project
- the location where the investment is to be carried out (priority is given to investments to be carried out in inaccessible areas), the maturity of the investment project in terms of the permits required to start implementing the investment project
- the feasibility of an implementation timetable
- the relevance of the investment project to the National Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027
- In case of rejection, the same partnership, i.e. the same natural/legal persons irrespective of the percentage of participation, will be entitled to a maximum of one resubmission of the application.
Program budget
Program budget
The budget of this Action amounts to a total amount of €150.000.000 (Public Expenditure), with funds from the following sourcesthe "Competitiveness" programme of the new NSRF and is distributed among the regions of the country
The minimum and maximum total supported budget (M/F) of the funding application is set from €30.000 to €400.000.
The Public Expenditure is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by National Participation.
Amount of subsidy
Amount of subsidy
The amount of the grant for interim instalment requests will be 40% of the costs submitted. An additional grant rate of up to 15% will be paid on completion based on the achievement of targets relating to the rate of realisation of the investment, as well as on new recruitment of salaried staff.
The grant amount can be up to €200,000.
Expenses subsidized
Expenses subsidized

Important dates
Important dates
Applications for funding will be submitted only electronically, without the submission of a physical file of supporting documents, through the Integrated Information System for the Management of State Aid (OPSKE, The deadline and method of submission, the required supporting documents, the obligations of the beneficiaries, as well as the other conditions of implementation will be described in the detailed call.Applications for funding will be assessed using the direct procedure (FiFo) in order of priority, according to the date/time of electronic submission (finalisation) to the OPSKE.
The Action will remain open until the budget is exhausted.
Funding applications will be evaluated using the direct procedure (FiFo) in order of priority, according to the date/time of electronic submission (finalization) in the OPSKE.
Necessary supporting documents for submission
Necessary supporting documents for submission
Support for the establishment and operation of new tourism businesses - Supporting documents required
Χρήσιμα αρχεία
Χρήσιμα αρχεία
Supporting the creation and operation of new tourism businesses - Factsheet
Support for the establishment and operation of new tourism businesses - Supporting documents required