February 2, 2025 5 min read
Elevate Greece: cooperation with SEV for startups


Elevate Greece and the Association of Enterprises and Industries (SEV) signed a cooperation agreement focusing on the faster development of the Greek innovation ecosystem. The aim of the cooperation is:

a) the faster development of start-ups buissneses registered on the Elevate Greece platform of the National Register of Start-ups,

(b) strengthening the link between research and spin-offs and industrial production and encouraging technology transfer and knowledge exchange; and (c) developing the appropriate skills and competences for rapid business development.

The signing of the agreement took place at the Ministry of Development and Investment in the presence of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investment, Mr Christos Dimas.

In particular, the agreement includes:

I. Innovation Ready Networking Services

By participating in SEV's Innovation Ready workshops and services, the start-ups of the Registry gain significant networking opportunities:

  • with the industry
  • with dynamic businesses and
  • with investment schemes interested in exploiting new innovative technologies and solutions

II. IG@work, a recruitment service for highly qualified and skilled workers

The start-ups in the Registry have the opportunity to participate in the new platform for attracting highly skilled talent from all over the world, called IG@work. IG@work is a platform developed on the initiative of SEV. It promotes highly skilled job opportunities and attracts talent, not only locally but also globally. The platform focuses on jobs that are relevant:

  • with technology
  • with highly skilled industrial positions and
  • with administrative/managerial responsibility

Businesses will be able to republish their online job vacancies on the platform and accept applications from interested candidates in a simple way.


The Deputy Minister of State for Development and Investment and Member of the Corinthian Parliament, Mr. Christos Dimas said. Elevate Greece, which has now been upgraded to a Public Limited Company, we have managed not only to document the country's innovation ecosystem, but also to strengthen it institutionally and financially. At the same time, we have managed to create a very important network of support for start-ups from the private sector. The agreement with SEV is part of the partnerships we have created through Elevate Greece. I would like to personally thank its President for our cooperation and his willingness to continue to support the innovation ecosystem in every way possible."

New activities

The CEO of Elevate Greece S.A. Mr. Michael Dritsas underlined: "The mission of the newly established Elevate Greece S.A. is to continue to support the startups of the Registry, adding new activities and continuing to network even more the dynamic innovation ecosystem, so that their efforts can be more successful. Our allies in this effort are our supporters, including the very active SEV. By expanding the existing Memorandum of Understanding, both through the workshops - Innovation Ready Networking services aimed at developing partnerships between start-ups and industry, and through the IG@work, a service for attracting highly qualified and skilled workers, the startups of Elevate Greece acquire 2 very important tools for their development".


In the framework of the agreement, the Chairman of the SEV Innovation Committee, Mr. Mark Veremis said:
"Strengthening our capacity to innovate is made possible by connecting the innovation and start-up ecosystem with industry and dynamic businesses of all sectors and sizes. We believe that the development of the innovation ecosystem in our country, as everywhere else, needs and requires solid partnerships. The deepening of our relationship with Elevate Greece is another step in our effort to shield the startups with tools, know-how and networking that will allow them to achieve rapid growth for the benefit of the Greek economy and the new generation of our country".

Also present at the signing ceremony were Ms. Elli Diakanastasi, appointed consultant of Elevate Greece SA and Mr. Anastasios Kezas, associate of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments, and Mrs. Maggie Athanasiadis, director, and Mr. Kostas Troulos, senior advisor of the Industry, Development, Technology and Innovation Sector of SEV.

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