January 22, 2025 5 min read
Digital Transformation of SMEs: New programmes with up to 50% subsidy


The announcement of the Digital TransformationProgramme for SMEsis expected in November. It will include three distinct NSRF Actions. You can find more detailed information on the actions here. Each one will cover targeted needs of SMEs depending on their existing digital and technological maturity and their different investment needs.

First Action: basic digital transformation of SMEs

It will target businesses that have not yet integrated major information and telecommunications technologies (ICT) into their operations and aim to cover basic shortcomings in applications and equipment. The subsidised budget of each investment project will be between €18,000 and €30,000 with a 50% subsidy rate.

Action Two: Advanced Digital Transformation of SMEs

It will target businesses that aim to expand their digital and technological maturity with integrated investments in new ICTs that will upgrade their competitiveness. Eligible investment project budget from €50,000 up to €650,000 with a subsidy rate of up to 50%.

Third Action: digital transformation of cutting-edge SMEs

It will apply to businesses that have already integrated ICT in many of their operations and are now looking to make integrated investments in cutting-edge technologies or 4th industrial revolution solutions. Eligible investment project budget from €200,001 up to €1,200,000 with a subsidy rate of up to 50%.

Eligible expenditures

The main categories of expenditures covered by the programme will be:

Equipment expenditure

Indicative expenditures: Procurement of digital office equipment, upgrading of internal data transfer networks, interaction with employees, customers or suppliers, etc.

Software expenditures

Indicative expenditures: Procurement of modern enterprise resource & process management applications (e.g. ERP, WMS, KPIs, EDI, BMPS, etc.), image processing, 3D modeling and CAD, digital security, customer and supply chain management, production optimization, etc.

Expenditure for the provision of services linked to digital upgrading

Indicative expenditures: Consulting support for monitoring the implementation of the investment plan, technical support for the implementation of the investment plan, installation or configuration of applications included in the funding application.

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