January 21, 2025 5 min read
Zero Waste HoReCa Hub: registration applications started


The new digital training and recognition platform Zero Waste HoReCa Hub is now available and invites small and medium-sized enterprises in the catering and hospitality sector , irrespective of their geographical location, to register their interest in becoming members of 1Zero Waste HoReCa Network in Greece, to educate themselves on circular economy issues and increase the percentage of recyclable waste, reducing their operating costs.

Through an easy process, HoReCa businesses, employing up to 250 employees, can start their own journey towards a "Waste Free World" by following 5 easy steps:

  1. Registration. Visit at the following address ZeroWasteFuture.gr and register your interest in registering on the platform.
  2. Update. Provision of rich and useful material regarding the transition of the business to the circular economy.
  3. Education. Attend digital training seminars on the circular economy and ways to properly recycle waste, which are continuously available.
  4. Waste inventory. Recording of waste resulting from the operation of the business on a weekly basis, for a period of at least one month.
  5. Distinction. Possibility for each business to be awarded as a Gold, Silver or Bronze member of the 1st Digital Zero Waste HoReCa Network, after successful training and recording of measurable results.

The Zero Waste HoReCa Hub creates small changes with big benefits for business, the planet and society

Through its participation in a Network that promotes Recycling and the Circular Economy, each company can HoReCa contributes to tackling climate change and increasing the recycling rate at national level, by actively assuming its social and environmental responsibility, which is a key requirement for modern customers and consumers.

At the same time, registered businesses gain access to useful data concerning:

  • Current legislation at national and European level regarding single-use plastics.
  • Best practices and advice on proper waste collection and management and source separation.
  • On specific forms to monitor and record their own measurable results.

It is recalled that the Zero Waste HoReCa Hub Network - which to date has 569 members - was founded in 2019 as part of the platform Zero Waste Future by Coca-Cola Hellas and the Ecological Recycling Company , with the support of The Coca-Cola Foundation.

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