March 19, 2025 5 min read
Πέμπτη – 5η Απόφαση Απόρριψης Πράξεων Κρατικών Ενισχύσεων στο πλαίσιο της Πρόσκλησης: ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΟΥΜΕ ΕΞΩ


The Thursday – 5th Decision rejecting State Aid Acts under the Invitation "WE VENTURE OUTSIDE" was announced with the subject of the rejection of eighty-seven (87) Acts.

5th Decision rejecting acts - Content

It includes the rejection of eighty-seven (87) Operations, with a total requested Public Expenditure of € 3,517,716.41.The projects were submitted to the Action "WE VENTURE OUTSIDE - Support for the International Promotion of SMEs with Extrovert Orientation", with MIS Code 013KE. (A/A 2624), in Priority Axes 01 "Development of entrepreneurship with Sectoral priorities" and 01S "Development of entrepreneurship with Sectoral priorities (Central Greece, South Aegean)", of the Investment Priority "Supporting the ability of SMEs to grow in regional, national and international markets, and to participate in innovation processes" (3d).

Οι υποψήφιοι, των οποίων οι αιτήσεις χρηματοδότησης απορρίπτονται με την παρούσα, έχουν άπαξ τη δυνατότητα ηλεκτρονικής υποβολής ένστασης κατά αυτής, μέσω του Πληροφοριακού Συστήματος Κρατικών Ενισχύσεων, εντός αποκλειστικής προθεσμίας είκοσι (20) ημερολογιακών ημερών, από την επομένη της έκδοσής της, σύμφωνα με την παράγραφο 8.4 της Αναλυτικής Πρόσκλησης της Δράσης.

According to Chapter 4 "Beneficiaries – Terms & Conditions of participation" of the Detailed Call for Action, businesses may submit two more new applications for funding. However, only if any previous application has been rejected or there has been a voluntary withdrawal in writing. In case of an objection, it is not possible to resubmit the application for funding until a final decision has been taken on the submitted objection.

EFEPAE will inform electronically, separately, each candidate whose application for funding has been rejected. The information will include a clear and detailed statement of the reasons for its rejection.

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