March 10, 2025 5 min read
SEV: The Six Steps to Attract Investment in Innovation


The six steps required to attract investment in innovation and high technology are identified in a special study by SEV, in collaboration with Accenture .

According to the study, it is required:

  • Targeted communication actions to highlight Greece as an attractive destination for foreign investments.
  • Continuously improving the investor experience and removing barriers.
  • Incentives focused on foreign investments in Innovation and High Technology.
  • Continuous upgrading of skills and increasing the pool of scientific potential.
  • Further investment in innovation and the creation of new high-tech ecosystems.
  • Ensuring the timely and effective implementation of the "Greece 2.0" program.

Foreign Investments in Innovation and High Technology:

  • They stimulate domestic innovation
  • They enhance the transfer of know-how and technology
  • They enhance digital adaptability, and productivity in host countries
  • They improve opportunities to participate in global value chains

The most important common factors of SEV

According to international experience and a special study of SEV in collaboration with Accenture, the most important common factors that facilitate FIIHT are:

  • Digital Skills and Education
  • Digitization
  • The Infrastructures
  • The Innovation Ecosystem
  • The Tax Incentives
  • The Focused Policies to Promote Digital Investments

Greece has already made significant efforts in reforming its economic model and transforming it into an attractive destination for foreign investment. The rapid rise of foreign direct investments that has been observed in the country in the last year is a proof of the above, emphasizes the SEV.

However, there is significant room for growth if it overcomes its structural limitations and attracts additional investors to the country. Private and public sectors should join forces and act in tandem to improve the investor experience, it is noted.

«Reinventing Greece through Investments in Innovation»

. SEV organizes the Conference on December 1st "Reinventing Greece through Investments in Innovation" with invited speakers entrepreneurs and heads of multinationals who have already made successful investments in Greece. "The aim is to work collectively on their existing experience, to promote internationally the competitive advantages of our country and to make proposals for the next day of our country's investment profile", says SEV.

A country's ability to innovate is directly linked to:

  • With competitiveness
  • The creation of good jobs
  • The utilization of its research and scientific potential
  • Addressing critical challenges of business and society
  • With the highest standard of living

An important parameter for innovation is the connection of Universities, Research Centers and Businesses, the incentives, but also its integration into every aspect of human activity. At the same time, however, the development of innovation it also goes through the attraction of investments focused on technological development, the exploitation of data, the connection with the rest of the important branches of the economy, from industry to shipping.

For PES, strengthening Greece's ability to innovate is at the core of striving for a prosperous society and economy. The goal is to contribute constructively in order to utilize the positive dynamics that Greece has created after a huge collective effort. At the same time, to promote the country as an attractive investment destination for investment in innovation.

The technological sector can contribute significantly to the country's GDP in the coming years and have an influential character, so as to inoculate the rest of the economy with innovation and extroversion, emphasizes SEV.

Investment initiatives

In the last year, more and more Multinational Technology and Innovation Enterprises (including Microsoft, Pfizer, Oracle, Cisco, Team Viewer, etc.) have invested throughout Greece. They develop innovation centers, data centers, competence centers or research and development centers.

Such investment initiatives strengthen:

  • The transfer of know-how and technology
  • Digital adaptability, and productivity in host countries
  • They stimulate domestic innovation
  • They improve opportunities to participate in global value chains

At the same time, they generate significant added value for the domestic economy and local communities on many levels simultaneously.

In this context, SEV undertakes a long-term initiative to attract investment in innovation and high technology. The start of this is set with the online Conference "Reinventing Greece through Investments in Innovation", on December 1, 2021. The Conference will showcase the existing experience of international investors. Proposals to remove the obstacles they face will be discussed. Finally, the added value brought by investments in innovation will be highlighted, using the conclusions of the study "Destination Greece: Attracting Digital & Innovation Investments" implemented by Accenture on behalf of BSE.

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