The pre-publication of the flagship Action Research - Innovate 2021/27 was announced on Thursday 8 September by the Ministry of Development & Investments .
The aim of the action is to strengthen Research and Innovation, which is fully aligned with the country's strategy to place innovation at the heart of a sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic, to accelerate the green and digital transition and ensure technological development of Greece.
It's about action of strategic importance of the "COMPETITIVENESS" Program, of the new NSRF 2021/27. Its main goal is the connection of research and innovation with entrepreneurship and the strenghening of competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of businesses towards international markets, with the aim of transitioning to quality innovative entrepreneurship and increasing domestic added value.
It is aimed at companies and research organizations that will carry out collaborative R&D projects.
Four I Research - Innovate 2021/27 interventions
The Research and Innovation Action 2021-2027 will include four interventions:
I. Research and Development by Enterprises
II. Business Partnerships with Research Organizations
III. Utilization of Research Results
IV. Seal of Excellence for businesses that have been distinguished but not funded under the Horizon Europe Program of the European Union (EU)
The total Public Expenditure of the Action Research - Innovate 2021/27 amounts to €300.000.000 and is expected to be announced in the coming months, in distinct submission stages per intervention.
PRIORITY SECTORS ESEE 2021/27 and Research - Innovate 2021/27
1. Materials, Construction & Industry
2. Tourism,
Culture & Creative Industries
3. Agri-Food Chain
4. Environment & Circular Economy
5. Life Sciences, Health, Medicines
6. Transportation & Supply Chain
7. Sustainable Energy
8. Digital Technologies
More information at: https://gsri.gov.gr/anakoinosi-tis-drasis-erevno-kainotomo-2021-2027/ .
Adonis Georgiadis, Minister of Development & Investments
"For the first time during the historical journey of Greece in the European family, our country is the first among the 27 EU member countries. which receives approval for all NSRF programs 2021-27 and proceeds at a rapid pace in the announcement of the actions with the aim to valuable resources are diverted to the real economy. As Minister responsible, my colleagues and I are doubly pleased to announce today the pre-publication of a truly important action: the new I'm Researching-Making 2021/27 under the Competitiveness Programme.
And the satisfaction is double, on the one hand, because the implementation of the NSRF 2021/27 is starting at a rapid pace, from which a total of 26.2 billion will be used euros, and on the other hand because among the first actions is the one to strengthen research and innovation, the promotion of business partnerships with research organizations and the utilization of research results to strengthen the competitiveness, productivity and extroversion of Greek businesses. This is a strategic priority of our government and ministry in order to take advantage of our country's greatest comparative advantage, the Greek scientists-researchers, and to give them the opportunity to realize their dreams here in our country".
Christos Dimas, Deputy Minister of Development and Investments
"Today we are pleased to announce the pre-publication of the flagship Action Research - Innovate 2021/27. The €300 million programme is designed to to support entrepreneurship, research centers and universities investing in cutting-edge fields, new technologies and innovation. Our goal is to cultivate the conditions every day with more motivation and greater flexibility to talented scientists and entrepreneurs to innovate and realize their dreams from Greece and therefore to make our society and economy better. We are confident that the scientific community and businesses will make the most of this opportunity."
Athanasios Kyriazis, General Secretary for Research and Innovation
"The Action I Research-Making 2021-2027 which amounts to EUR 300 000 000 and is part of the "COMPETITIVENESS" Program of the new NSRF 2021/27, recommends one of the most important actions of GEK. With today's announcement, we aim to inform the businesses and research organizations that will be potential beneficiaries of the Action, so that to prepare timely mature research proposals where will help small and medium enterprises to a sustainable and resilient recovery from the pandemic.
We plan to announce this action in 2022, which he will continue to manage, and in the new programming period, the Special Service for the Management and Implementation of Actions in the fields of Research, Technological Development and Innovation (EYDE ETAK), as an Intermediate Body. our goal is the connection of research and innovation with entrepreneurship and the strengthening of competitiveness, of productivity and the extroversion of businesses towards international markets, seeking the transition to a qualitative and innovative entrepreneurship and the increase of domestic added value".