March 19, 2025 5 min read
RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE | Intervention I – Extension of submission of accession documents


A decision has been published to amend the supplementary provisional list of potential beneficiaries in Intervention I"Research and Development by Enterprises" of cycle B of the Single Action for State Aid for Research, Technological Development and Innovation: RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE.

RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE, Intervention I - Submission of integration documents

It includes the amendment no. A.P. EYDE-ETAK 360 / 31.1.2020 decision on "Supplementary Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries in Intervention I "Research and Development by Enterprises" of the second cycle of the Single State Action
Research, Technological Development & Development Aid Innovation: RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE due to the measures to avoid the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19).


  • The extension of the deadline for the submission of supporting documents for the potential beneficiaries of the Supplementary Provisional list of the 45 research projects of the Second Cycle of the Single Action of State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation "RESEARCH – CREATE – INNOVATE" (A.P. EYDE-ETAK 360 / 31.1.2020). A new deadline is Thursday, June 4, 2020.
  • The deadline is final and failure to comply with it leads to rejection of the application for funding.
  • Regarding the way and the point of submission of the supporting documents file, the information message of 16.3.2020 on the operation of EYDE RTDI during the measures against the COVID-19 virus applies. It is posted on the site of EYDE ETAK
  • In particular, in order to receive a protocol number, documents should be sent electronically by e-mail (compressed or using file transfer applications).
  • The physical envelope should be sent using postal services or couriers to the address Mesogeion 14 – 18, 115 27 Athens. The date of submission is considered to be the date indicated on the postmark, which should be clearly visible or on the shipping document of the courier company. Proof of shipment of ELTA or the courier company is considered proof of timely submission. The file of supporting documents should include an information transmittal note detailing the documents of the file, in the order described in the Annex of the Detailed Call for Action.

Update on measures to prevent the transmission of coronavirus (COVID-19)

EYDE ETAK will inform all interested parties about this decision.

For the rest, the decision with A.P. EYDE-ETAK 360 / 31.1.2020 on "Supplementary Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries of Intervention I "Research and Development by Enterprises" of the second cycle of the Single Action of State Aid for Research, Technological Development & Innovation "RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE" (SAA: DIGIT346MTLR-XKA) applies.

This Decision shall be published in DIAVGEIA and posted on the following websites:

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