February 23, 2025 5 min read
PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT SERVICE: Until October 9th the applications for registration in the 7 Experimental EPAS


Until Sunday, October 9, 2022, applications will be submitted for the admission of students to the seven Experimental Vocational Schools (PEPAS) of Apprenticeship of the Public Employment Service (DYPA), for the school year 2022/23 in three specialties in the field of tourism and hospitality.

Eligible to enroll in the A' class of PEPAS are those who:

  • hold a high school diploma or other equivalent qualification
  • are eighteen (18) years of age or older
  • for the specialty "Hotel receptionist" they are still required to have a good knowledge of a foreign language (English or French or German), certified by an official degree (state certificate of language proficiency level B2 or equivalent as defined by ASEP)

The application is submitted exclusively via gov.gr at: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/ekpaideuse/eggraphe-se-skholeio/eggraphe-se-peiramatike-epaggelmatike-skhole-tou-oaed .

Specifically, the route is: gov.gr → Education → Enrollment in a school → Enrollment in an Experimental Vocational School of DYPA

PEPAS implement the Apprenticeship system, which is the only dual system in our country, which combines theoretical and laboratory vocational training at the school with apprenticeships in companies of the private and public sector in real working conditions (on-the-job-training). In this way, apprentices acquire knowledge and skills inhigh-demand specialties in the labor market, while Their fee is €25.27 for each day of on-the-job apprenticeship for 2 years. During the school year 2022/23 there will be Experimental EPAS Apprenticeship with three specialities in the field of tourism and hospitality, where innovative vocational training programmes are being implemented in seven cities: Athens, Heraklion, Rhodes, Mytilene, Patras, Thessaloniki and Corfu. For the operation of PEPAS, the DYPA collaborates with the Greek-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Institute of the Association of Greek Tourism Enterprises (INSETE), who have extensive experience in the field of vocational education and tourism, while The cooperation guarantees the placement in apprenticeships in distinguished companies in the tourism industry (4 and 5 star hotels) but also Enhances the Perspective on vocational rehabilitation after completing studies.

Vacancies exist in the specialties per PEPAS

1. PEPAS Kalamaki

  • Culinary Art Technician
  • Food Technician
  • Hotel Receptionist

2.PEPAS Heraklion Crete

  • Culinary Art Technician
  • Food Technician
  • Hotel Receptionist

3.PEPAS Rhodes

  • Culinary Art Technician
  • Hotel Receptionist

4.PEPAS Mytilene

  • Culinary Art Technician
  • Food Technician

5.PEPAS Patras

  • Food Technician

6.PEPAS 1st Thessaloniki.

  • Food Technician
  • Hotel Receptionist

7.PEPAS Corfu

  • Hotel receptionist

The students of PEPAS Apprenticeship of DYPA:

  • Carry out a work-based learning program with pay and full insurance
  • They study in modern and fully equipped laboratories and are provided with the necessary books and aids
  • They are trained by experienced and well-trained educational staff
  • They are entitled to paid student leave of up to 30 days
  • They are entitled to deferment of conscription
  • Those who qualify receive housing and food allowance

More information is available at: https://www.dypa.gov.gr/mathitia .

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