Working capital subsidy to catering businesses for the supply of raw materials

  Investment amount to qualify

The programme


The action is funded through the Operational Programme  "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation" (EPANEK)  of the NSRF 2021 - 2027 and concerns small and medium-sized enterprises and large businesses, which have main ID or ID with the highest revenues in the catering sector.

The Action aims to support the reopening of all catering businesses, which have been affected by the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak.

The support package amounts to 330 million euros. This is a tool for the restart of businesses in the catering sector with non-refundable, unconfiscated and tax-free subsidies in the form of a Working Capital for the purchase of materials and raw materials for the first 2-3 months of restarting their operations.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

Beneficiaries of the Action, i.e. enterprises eligible for public funding under this action, are those that meet the following conditions for participation:

  • Activity in the catering sector (main or highest revenue generating MCI)
  • Turnover drop in 2020 compared to 2019 of more than 30%, for existing businesses.
    • For newly established businesses (starting from 1/1/2019 to 31/12/2019) the drop in turnover is calculated with an equal number of days of operation, while businesses established after 1/1/2020 will automatically enter the action, without calculation of this criterion.
    • Businesses that were under construction in 2019 and started to have revenue activity in 2020 will be counted for the programme as established in 2020 and will be automatically included.
  • Businesses liable to submit periodic VAT returns. 

The above basic conditions for the participation of  enterprisesmust be met in their entirety, as failure to meet one or more of them is grounds for rejection of the application for funding.

Στους δικαιούχους περιλαμβάνονται και οι επιχειρήσεις franchise υπό την προϋπόθεση πλήρωσης ορισμένων κανονιστικών κριτηρίων του ΕΣΠΑ.

Eligible sectors of activity

Οι επιλέξιμοι ΚΑΔ σε τουλάχιστον έναν εκ των οποίων πρέπει να δραστηριοποιείται η προς ενίσχυση επιχείρηση είναι οι:

  • 56.10 : Restaurant and mobile food service activities
    All codes in subheading 56.10 are included
  • 56.21 : Event catering activities
    All codes of subheading 56.21 are included
  • 56.29.20 : Other restaurant services
    All codes of subheading 56.29.20 are included
  • 56.30 : Beverage serving activities
    All codes in subheading 56.30 are included

Program budget

Program budget

The total Public Expenditure of this call for proposals amounts to 330.000.000,00 EUR.

The Public Expenditure of the Action is co-financed by National Funds and the European Union and in particular by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) under the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)" of the NSRF 2021 - 2027.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

The maximum amount of aid is set at EUR 100,000 per TIN.

Subsidies shall be granted to 7% of the annual Turnover for the year 2019, as calculated on the basis of the submitted tax returns of this company (Form E3 for the tax year 2019 submitted in the year 2020, field 500 Total Revenue from Sales of Goods and Services

For newly established companies (starting after 1/1/2019) the Working Capital will be calculated as follows:
[(turnover 2019 or 2020)/number of operating days ]*365*7%

Working capital paid should be used up within 2021. This will be evidenced on the basis of the periodic VAT returns and the expenses declared. If, during the audit to be carried out in 2022 and after the tax returns of the businesses have been submitted, it is found otherwise, the difference between the amount paid and the sum of the amounts declared will be recovered as an amount unduly paid.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

Purchase of materials and raw materials for the first 2-3 months of business restart

The Working Capital for the purchase of raw materials must be used by 31/12/2021. Businesses must submit the relevant periodic VAT returns and declared expenses by 31 December 2021.

Please note that:

  • A) The amount of aid to be granted by the  actionmust not exceed 70% of the sum of the amounts of Codes 361, 363 and 364 of the VAT periodic return form for the year 2021.
  • B) The sum of the amount of public funding from this action, the amount of public funding under the actions to support businesses affected by the pandemic COVID-19 of the Regional Operational Programmes of the NSRF throughout Greece in the form of a grant, may not exceed 100% of the sum of the amounts indicated in Code 367 of the form of the periodic VAT returns for the year 2021.

Σε περίπτωση που ισχύει είτε το (Α) είτε/και το (Β) τότε το ποσό της δημόσιας χρηματοδότησης της παρούσας δράσης καταλογίζεται ως αχρεωστήτως καταβληθέν και επιστρέφεται από τον λήπτη της ενίσχυσης.

Important dates

Important dates

Start of submissions: 14/05/2021 at 10.00 a.m.

Closing date: 31 July 2021, in order to allow for the intensification of seasonal operations.

The evaluation will be immediate and the grant will be disbursed immediately after the inclusion and approval of the application, while the companies must spend the grant by 31-12-2021. The audit will be based on periodic VAT returns and declared expenses.

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Useful files

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