Support for the modernization-upgrade of existing businesses, as a priority in areas of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (Action 3d.5-6.1)

  Investment amount to qualify

The program

Support for the modernization-upgrade of existing businesses, as a priority in areas of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (Action 3d.5-6.1) - The program

The main objective of the Action "Strengthening for the modernization-upgradation of existing businesses, as a priority in areas of the Regional Strategy of Smart Specialization (Action 3d.5-6.1)" is to contribute to the production of new, innovative, improved products and services, of high added value, in order to increase the competitiveness and improve the position of the businesses of the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace in the domestic and international market.

Through the Action, priority investment projects in areas of the Regional Strategy "Smart Specialization" (Regional RIS3) are strengthened, namely:

  • in the agri-food sector,
  • in the field of Tourism - Culture,
  • in the field of Materials (plastic-rubber, non-metallic minerals) and Innovative Materials,
  • in the field of Chemicals, Medicines and Health,
  • in the field of environment, energy and hybrid technologies,
  • in the field of electronic / electrical equipment
  • in the field of Information & Communication Technologies (ICT).

Both the eligible activity sectors (SACs) and the SACs that correspond to the above priority areas of the Regional RIS3 are awarded points in Criterion B5 of Stage B of the evaluation.

In the context of this action for Support for the modernization-upgrading of existing businesses, the initial investment of an existing business is exclusively financed. In particular, the investment plan should concern the investment in tangible and intangible assets in connection with the creation of a new business establishment or the expansion of the capacity of an existing business establishment, or the diversification of the production of a business establishment into products that have never been produced in this or the fundamental change of the entire production process of an existing business establishment.

Who does it concern?


Beneficiaries who may be eligible for public funding in the context of this call are:

  • existing very small and medium-sized enterprises, as defined in Annex I of Reg. E.E. 651/2014
  • which have closed the management years of 2017 and 2018

They are not eligible to apply for funding:

  • Public enterprises, public bodies or public organizations and/or their subsidiaries, as well as enterprises assimilated to them.
  • Businesses that are part of an already organized uniform distribution network of products or services and which exploit, following relevant contracts, licenses to exploit intellectual property rights, which usually concern trademarks or distinctive titles and know-how for the use and distribution of goods or services (e.g. .franchising, Shop in shop, agency network etc).
  • Offshore businesses.
  • Businesses that have joined from 07-11-2017/5732/713/A3 (AD: Εξ16465ΧΙ8-Ο4Θ), as applicable, invitation of the Ministry of Development for the "Strengthening of the establishment and operation of New Tourism Businesses" of the E.P. "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", NSRF 2014-2020 and in particular in the following decisions, as applicable each time:
  1. A.P.: 3619 /07-08-2019 (AD: Ω7IP7LB-THE5)
  2. A.P.: 2382/732/A3-10-04-2019 (AD: ΓΓ10456ΧΙ8-1ΙΘ)
  3. A.P.: 2280/694/A3/05-04-2019 (AD: OTK4465ΧΙ8-5ΥΙ)
  4. A.P.: 9038/2998/A3/28-12-2018 (AD: ΠΠΙΣ465ΧΙ8-2ΓΟ)
  5. A.P.: 4977/21/12/2018 (AD: ΣΦΦ707LB-TN7)
  6. A.P.: 8943/2981/A3/21-12-2018 (AD: PPB2465ΧΙ8-Z8O)

The above conditions must be met in their entirety. The non-satisfaction of one or more of them is a condition for exclusion of the investment project and therefore a reason for rejection. In any case, each initial investment of the same beneficiary (at group level) starting within three years from the date of commencement of work on another aided investment will be checked to see if it can be considered that the requested aid can be considered to belong to single investment project in order to adjust the aid rate accordingly if required.

The proposed investment project must be located exclusively in the Region of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.

Program Budget

Program Budget

The Public Expenditure of the Action in the context of this Call amounts to €10,000,000.

The Public Expenditure of the Action "Support for the modernization-upgradation of existing enterprises" is financed by National Resources and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the Operational Program "Eastern Macedonia and Thrace" 2014-2020. The ERDF contributes to the financing of aid to stimulate economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing regional disparities and supporting structural improvements and adjustments of regional economies, including the reconstruction of declining industrial areas. In the context of the 2014 – 2020 Programming Period, the ERDF should contribute to the Union's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, thus ensuring greater concentration of ERDF support on the Union's priorities.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

In the Action "Support for the modernization-upgradation of existing businesses, as a priority in areas of the Regional Smart Specialization Strategy (Action 3d.5-6.1)" the following categories of expenses will be financed:

Eligible expenses

It is pointed out that the subsidized budget of the investment plan, both during its submission phase and during its inclusion as it will be formed after its evaluation and the approval of any amendments that will arise during its implementation, should be in the expenditure categories A .1 "Buildings, facilities and surrounding area" and A.2 "Equipment" of Table 1 to amount to at least 80% of the total subsidized budget of the investment project.

Intangible assets are eligible for the calculation of investment costs if they meet the following conditions:

  • must be used exclusively in the business establishment receiving the aid,
  • must be depreciable,
  • must be purchased in accordance with the terms of the purchase from third parties unrelated to the buyer and
  • they must be included in the assets of the enterprise to which the aid is granted and remain linked to the project for which the aid is granted for at least three years.

Important dates

Important dates

Start date of electronic submission of investment plans to the State Aid Management Information System: 18/02/2020

Deadline for electronic submission of investment plans to the State Aid Management Information System: 14/07/2020

Duration of implementation of investment projects: 24 months from the date of issuance of the Incorporation Decision

Expenditure eligibility start date: Date of submission of the investment project aid application (Regulation EU651/2014)

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Useful files

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