Northern Aegean – Action 3.a.2. – Strengthening the establishment of small and very small innovative businesses, with priority in the RIS3 sectors

  Investment amount to qualify

The program

Northern Aegean – Action 3.a.2. – Strengthening the establishment of small and very small innovative businesses, with priority in the RIS3 sectors - The program

  • Action 3.a.2. concerns the strengthening of investment projects for the establishment of very small and small businesses in the North Aegean Region within the framework of the "North Aegean" Operational Program 2014-2020.

The purpose of the action is to strengthen under the establishment of the Region, mainly through grants, the exploitation of research products and/or innovations, with priority in the sectors of RIS3 (excluding the tourism accommodation industry).

  • Action 3.a.2 concerns the creation of new small or very small enterprises that exploit innovative ideas or research results.

This Action aims to:

  1. The strengthening of innovative business activities
  2. The creation of incentives for the development of society
  3. Improving the degree of economic exploitation of innovative ideas through their transformation into marketable products/services
  4. The improvement of entrepreneurship indicators in the Region

Who does it concern?


Beneficiaries, who may be eligible for public funding under this call, are very small and small enterprises under establishment, as defined in Commission Recommendation 2003/361/EC, which will
have an eligible investment NACE code until the 1st disbursement of the grant and will spend in the North Aegean Region.

Companies under establishment must cumulatively meet the following:

  • They must be established and have a start date of activity after the date of submission of the proposal,
  • Have as their purpose the development/disposal/commercialization of products or services through the application/integration:
  • of innovative ideas or
  • unutilized scientific, technological or even non-technological knowledge / know-how or
  • innovative methods and processes in the production/service delivery process
  • To be based and implement the investment plan in the North Aegean Region
  • When submitting the funding application, provide evidence of securing Private Participation in accordance with the Call at a rate of at least 40% of the proposed (subsidized) budget of the Investment Plan

Eligible NACE code

It is pointed out that the investment must be maintained in the region where the aid is granted for at least three (3) years, after the completion of the investment. This does not prevent the replacement of a unit or equipment that has become obsolete or suffered damage during this period, as long as the economic activity is maintained in the specific area during the above minimum required period and upon approval of the request by the competent monitoring body of the act.

They are not eligible to apply for funding:

  • Public enterprises, public bodies or public organizations and/or their subsidiaries, as well as enterprises assimilated to them.
  • Businesses that are part of an already organized uniform distribution network of products or services and which exploit, following relevant contracts, licenses to exploit intellectual property rights, which usually concern trademarks or distinctive titles and know-how for the use and distribution of goods or services (e.g. .franchising, Shop in shop, agency network etc).

The Beneficiaries of the Action that receive public funding in the context of this action, are businesses, which will operate exclusively with one of the following forms of business of a corporate / commercial nature:

  • SA,
  • Limited liability company,
  • General partnership,
  • Limited partnership,
  • Private Capital Company,
  • Sole Proprietorship,
  • Partnership,
  • Social Cooperative Enterprise of Law 4019/2011 (KOINSEP),
  • Maritime Company of Recreational Vessels (N.E.P.A.),
  • which will be based in the North Aegean Region.

The proposed investment project must be located exclusively in the North Aegean Region.

Program Budget

Program Budget

The Public Expenditure budget of the call is estimated to amount to €2,500,000 and its subsidized budget is estimated to amount to approximately €4,250,000. The difference between the total (granted) budget and the public expenditure is defined as the same participation, which will be covered by the beneficiaries (enterprises). The budget of the call may be modified following a decision of the Administrative Authority depending on the number and budget of the proposals to be submitted.

The Public Expenditure of Action 3.a.2. is financed by the Greek State and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the Operational Program "North Aegean" 2014-2020. The ERDF contributes to the financing of aid to stimulate economic, social and territorial cohesion by reducing regional disparities and supporting structural improvements and adjustments of regional economies, including the reconstruction of declining industrial areas. In the context of the 2014 – 2020 Programming Period, the ERDF should contribute to the Union's strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, thus ensuring greater concentration of ERDF support on the Union's priorities.

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

The subsidized budget of each investment proposal of a potential aid beneficiary can range from €20,000 to €300,000.

The intensity of the support of the investment proposals for all the eligible costs of the investment projects in the context of this Call is 60%. In case of hiring new staff for at least one additional (1) EME of salaried work (the achievement of the goal is checked during the final certification) the intensity of the aid may rise to 70%. The aid cannot under any circumstances exceed the limit of €200,000 set by Reg. 1407/2013.

Subsidized expenses

Subsidized expenses

In Action 3.a.2 the following expenditure categories will be financed:

  • Cost to invest in assets
  1. Investments in building facilities: Up to 40% of the total P/Y
  2. Machinery – equipment: Up to 90% of total PC
  3. Intangible assets: Up to 100% of the total P/Y and in any case up to €50,000
  4. Technological upgrade through increased ICT usage: Up to 50% of total PC
  • Consulting services: Up to 15% of the total PC and in any case up to €15,000
  • Subsidies for participation in trade fairs: Up to 50% of the total P/Y
  1. Professional exhibitions held in Greece: Up to €10,000
  2. Professional exhibitions held abroad: Up to €20,000
  • Innovation Grants: Up to 30% of total P/Y
  1. Expenditure on intangible assets
  2. Expenditure on innovation services
  3. Knowledge and patents
  • Personnel expenses (Salary costs of new personnel): Up to €30,000.00 and up to two EMEs (new)
  • Operating expenses: Up to 10% of the total P/Y

Eligible Expenses

Important dates

Important dates

Start date of electronic submission of investment plans to the State Aid Management Information System: 19/12/2019, Time 13:00:00

Deadline for electronic submission of investment plans to the State Aid Management Information System: 11/09/2020, Time 15:00:00

Duration of implementation of investment projects: 24 months from the date of issuance of the Incorporation Decision

Expenditure eligibility start date: Date of issue of this call

Necessary supporting documents required

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