Public Employment Services

Employment program for 3,400 unemployed former workers in businesses in the Regions of Western Macedonia and Peloponnese affected by the effects of de-lignitization

  Investment amount to qualify

The program

The programme 

The action is addressed to private companies and generally private sector employers who carry out regular economic activity and are active in the Region of Western Macedonia and in the Municipalities of Megalopolis, Tripoli, Gortynia, Oichalia, Kalamata and Sparta in the Region of Peloponnese.

Who it concerns

Who it concerns

A prerequisite for the inclusion of an enterprise in the action is that it must not have made a reduction in its staff during the last quarter before the date of submission of the funding application (in calendar terms). If the number of staff at the start date of the quarter under examination is the same as at the date of submission of the application - irrespective of whether there are any changes in the number of staff during that period - the enterprise may be included in the measure. The above requirement of no reduction in staff must also be met for the period from the date of submission of the application to the date of the decision approving the undertaking's participation in the action.
Staff reduction is considered to be:
a. the termination of the employment contract,
b. the change of employment status from full-time to part-time or rotating employment,
c. the voluntary exit that is done at the initiative of the employer, through programs to provide mainly financial incentives for voluntary exit,
d. the voluntary withdrawal which is considered as termination of contract, in accordance with article 38 of Law 4488/2017 (Α΄137),
e. the employee's position on availability, f. the exercise of the right of withholding from the work of Chapter 325 of the Civil Code. In these cases, the business in order to join the action must cover the reduction by the date of submission of the funding application. If the company has made a reduction in staff during the period of time following the date of submission of the funding application, it may join the action as long as it covers the reduction by the date of the evaluation of the proposal.

In the event that, during the evaluation of the proposal, the evaluator finds that there is a reduction in the existing staff, he will take the following actions:
a. Check in the ERGANI Information System, in order to establish whether the company has undertaken 10 recruitment of staff for the obligation to cover the staff reduction.
b. Informing the beneficiary in the event that he finds that there is no recruitment at PS ERGANI and the presentation of corresponding supporting documents, setting a relevant deadline.
A reduction in staff shall not be considered a reduction in staff when any of the following actions are taken:
a. the termination of an employment contract due to retirement,
b. the termination of an employment contract for an indefinite or fixed term (before its expiry) due to a serious reason concerning the employee (a complaint for a criminal act affecting or likely to affect his/her work),
c. the termination of a fixed-term contract,
d. voluntary withdrawal;
e. imprisonment and death,
f. the impossibility of renewing the residence permit and access to the labour market of foreign workers.

For all of the above, businesses must provide the necessary supporting documents when requested by the evaluators or the Head of KPA2 during the evaluation.

Program budget

Program budget

The body responsible for the implementation, management, monitoring, evaluation and control of the programme shall be OAED .
For the implementation of the programme an expenditure of up to the amount of forty-eight million euros (48.000.000 €) is incurred, which will be charged to the budget of the Employment Agency of Labour Resources ( OAED) (KAE 2493), will be covered by the financing of the Public Investment Programme (PIP) according to the No. 63701/8-6-2021 Decision of the Deputy Minister of Development and Investments and is distributed annually as follows:
For the year 2021: 500,000.00 euros
For the year 2022: 19,000,000.00 euros
For the year 2023: 28,500,000.00 euros

Amount of subsidy

Amount of subsidy

The aid to be granted to an enterprise under the scheme, cumulated with any other deminimis aid granted or to be granted, shall not exceed EUR 200 000 in any period of three fiscal years at the level of a single enterprise. The total amount of de minimis aid granted to an undertaking active in the road transport sector must not exceed EUR 100 000 in any period of three fiscal years.
If an undertaking carries out road haulage on behalf of third parties, and carries out other activities to which the ceiling of EUR 200,000 applies, the ceiling of EUR 200,000 for the company may apply, provided that there is a clear separation of its activities or a distinction between cost elements, so that the support attributable to the road freight transport activity does not exceed EUR 100 000 and that de minimis aid is not used for the acquisition of road freight transport vehicles.

Expenses subsidized

Expenses subsidized

The action includes subsidizing businesses to hire unemployed people registered in the PES register for a period of at least one month when they are indicated to the businesses.
Businesses are subsidized for each person subject to the action from the date of their employment and for a period of twelve (12) months, fifteen (15) months and eighteen (18) months depending on the category of unemployed person hired, as described in par. 5.2 of this article.
The action will be implemented by applying a unit cost scale, according to the no. 15738/05-02- 2021 document of EYTHY entitled "Revision of the Report on the documentation of the scale of unit costs of the action "Business Grant Programmes for the employment of unemployed / NTE (New Jobs)"", according to which the unit cost per full-time job (25 14 insurance days) amounts to EUR 933 per month and EUR 11 196 per 12 months.
The eligible expenses are given in the form of a grant and concern the salary and non-salary costs of the beneficiary for 12 months of full-time employment, including monthly gross earnings, employer insurance contributions as well as Christmas and Easter holiday allowances and leave allowance.
The grant for the compensation of costs of the action amounts to an amount corresponding to a percentage of 75% to 100% of the above unit cost scale.

In particular, the grant per job/beneficiary amounts to:
a. for the unemployed employed in the energy sector (PPC), former temporary staff of PPC or formerly employed by PPC contractors, as well as in the transport and earthworks sector related to lignite mining, the aid amounts to 100% of the unit costs,
b. for unemployed persons employed in enterprises operating in the wholesale and retail trade, catering and tourism sectors as well as and for other enterprises, the aid amounts to 75 % of the unit costs. If the unemployed of said b category are:
(i) aged 30-49 years, the aid amounts to 80% of the unit costs
ii) aged 50 and over, the aid amounts to an amount corresponding to 90% of the unit cost
iii) long-term unemployed, the aid amounts to an amount corresponding to 90% of the unit cost
iv) long-term unemployed aged 50 and over, the aid amounts to an amount corresponding to 100% of the unit cost
(v) for women, the aid amounts to 100% of the unit costs

Important dates

Important dates

The duration of the program is 12-18 months. The rate of subsidy for wages and social security contributions ranges between 75-100%, while the monthly subsidy amount ranges between €700 - €933, depending on the category of the unemployed person and the sector of the company he/she worked in.
As of Friday, November 19, online applications for the new labor subsidy program have begun for the recruitment of 3,400 unemployed, former workers in businesses in the Western Macedonia and Peloponnese Regions affected by the effects of de-lignification in full-time positions. with a closing date of Monday, December 20, 2021 at 3:00 p.m.

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Necessary supporting documents for submission

Α) Submission of an application for payment of aid
Within 90 days of the end of each two-month period of employment, the undertaking shall submit an application for payment of the aid, together with supporting documents only in electronic form, via the PSKE to the Office for the Monitoring of Active Employment Policies of the relevant CFC 2 where the head office or branch of the subsidised employee is located.
B) Supporting documents
The supporting documents that must be submitted electronically through the PSCE or, where this is not possible by any other appropriate means (such as submission to the Service or email) are the following:
i) Detailed periodic declarations (P.I.D.) of the company's subsidised staff (head office and any branches), including those relating to holiday and leave allowances.
ii) A copy of the staff list and working hours submitted electronically in the ERGANE system (Form E4 - annual staff list) as well as the Single Form E3 of the recruitment of the beneficiary (E3 Recruitment Notice and E4 Supplementary Staff List of New Recruitment). The forms of the ERGAN ORGAN are automatically searched by the competent Service of the OAED and are not required to be submitted by the beneficiary.
(iii) Copy of the first page of the bank book with IBAN account, showing the name of the beneficiary company-employer (only for the first application for payment of the aid).
iv) A declaration by the employer that it complies with the terms of the action and the applicable labour and insurance legislation and, more generally, the applicable national and EU legislation, for the period of time for which it is applying for support.
Initial and interim payments shall be paid on presentation of tax and insurance certificates, where required, in accordance with the general provisions in force concerning tax and insurance certificates for the collection of funds, but without the condition of withholding. In these cases, the aid is paid to the beneficiaries, as it is not confiscated, is not subject to any kind of withholding and is not offset against any debts of the beneficiary to the Greek State or the social security funds.
When examining the application and the supporting documents attached to it, the Head of the Office or an official of the Office for Active Employment Policies may request in writing the submission of additional information and clarifications by beneficiaries with a view to the payment of the aid.
C) In addition to the above documents and especially in the online application for the payment of final payments of the beneficiaries, it is mandatory to submit:

i) A declaration by the employer that he/she has paid the payroll to the beneficiary and has
pay or settle the statutory social security contributions, payroll taxes and any other statutory deductions for the total period of the grant.
(ii) Tax and insurance information.
D) Final payments made, irrespective of the amount of the payment of the aid, may be confiscated, offset, withheld or assigned on behalf of the beneficiary to the Greek State or the social security funds, provided that there is a condition of withholding in the proof of tax and social security status presented to the Service by the beneficiary.

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