January 31, 2025 5 min read
NISIDA Program – Evaluation results for businesses affected by Covid-19 in the South Aegean Region


By announcement of the Special Management Service of the South Aegean Region, published today the results of the evaluation of the proposals submitted for the action NESIDA, for the support of small and micro businesses of the South Aegean affected by the pandemic Covid - 19.

Action NESIDA - Evaluation results

A total of 3,705 proposals are approved, with a total budget of EUR 34,994,222.15, broken down by category as follows:

  • 379 proposals of category A (Secondary sector - Manufacturing - Wholesale trade), totalling EUR 3,564,194.63
  • 1.398 proposals of category B (Tertiary sector - Tourism - Services), totalling EUR 12,766,503.24
  • 1.381 proposals of category C (Tertiary Sector - Retail trade), totalling EUR 13,269,702.37 and
  • 547 proposals of category D (Tertiary sector - Catering), totalling EUR 5,393,821.91

Each beneficiary will be informed electronically by EFEPAE about its inclusion and in particular about the Technical Annex which includes the timetable, the total budget, the financial sources and its funding rate.

In addition, EFEPAE will inform electronically, separately, each applicant whose application for funding for the NISIDA action has been rejected, with a clear and detailed reference to the reasons for rejection.

For proposals that are rejected, there is the possibility of submitting an electronic objection, through the State Aid Information System, to EFEPAE, within an exclusive period of 5 working days from the day following the publication of this notice on the website of the EIF South Aegean Region ( www.pepna.gr ).

Please note that the appeals procedure does not suspend the payment stage. Those businesses that are on the list of approved, will not wait for the examination of the objections to be paid, while at the same time, the businesses that may be vindicated through the appeals process, will be paid through a corresponding increase in the relevant budget of the Program.

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