An amendment was submitted to a bill that is in the Parliament with which regulations are provided for energy efficiency in the building sector. It is specifically included new program of low-power photovoltaic systems in homes connected to a corresponding supply for domestic use. Also included are settings for the strengthening of Renewable Energy Sources and competition in the electricity market.
In detail, the amendment provides for the photovoltaic program:
- Specific provisions of the law are amended. 3468/2006 and of n. 4414/2016 regarding a new photovoltaic programme and the production of electricity from Renewable Energy Sources (RES ) and High Efficiency Combined Heat and Power (CHP ) plants .
a. It is allowed, in the framework of the implementation of the energy offset, to install an electricity generation plant from A.P.E. and S.H.I.T.Y.A. self-producer in a place other than that of the self-producer consumed electricity installation. Requirement that there is a direct electrical connection between the production facility and the consumption facility.
b. It is envisaged that self-producers of electricity from A.P.E. will not enter into an Operational Support Agreement. and S.H.I.T.Y.A., as long as they do not channel the surplus of the generated energy into the Network or the System and the exemption of said stations from the obligation to present the Guarantee Letter of Producer Certification, in derogation of the written provisions, in accordance with the specific provisions.
c. The transfer of power plants from A.P.E. is allowed. and S.H.I.TH.Y.A., before the start of their operation. Precondition that a Connection Agreement has been concluded with the relevant Administrator, as specifically defined.
d. It is planned to draw up, by ministerial decision, a Special Program for the Development of Small Power Photovoltaic Systems in residences connected to a corresponding supply for domestic use. (Accordingly, the preparation, with the like, of the program in question in building facilities and in particular in roofs and facades of buildings, including those where non-residential or non-residential persons are housed. n.d. of a non-profit nature).
With the same decision, specific matters of implementation of the above-mentioned are determined (time duration of the program, maximum power of the photovoltaic systems. Also the licensing procedure, the content of the electricity netting contracts, the beneficiaries, etc.).
Furthermore, the duration of the netting agreement (25 years) and its settlement price are determined. It is also provided that, for the owner of the photovoltaic system, no tax obligations arise for the disposal of the produced energy within the framework of the offsetting contract.
- a. Provided under the new photovoltaic programme, the possibility for producers of RES and CHP plants, for the connection of their plants to the System, to construct medium voltage networks (<50kV) that relate exclusively to networks for groups of producers, to which consumers are not connected.
b. The obligations of the producers in question are determined (designation of a representative of the exclusive network, responsible for its safe operation and maintenance, the collection and management of energy measurements and its distribution to the producers, the signing of the relevant connection contracts, etc.).
c. It is envisaged that fines will be imposed by the Energy Regulatory Authority (RAE) against the representative of the exclusive medium voltage network in the event of incorrect application of the electricity sharing methodology.
d. Furthermore, it is stipulated that the above-mentioned stations, connected to the same exclusive medium voltage network, represented by the same Cumulative Representation Body (F.S.E.), do not enter into a Fixed Price Operational Support Agreement (S.E.S.T.) , as long as they do not meet the required conditions, enter into a Differential Surcharge Functional Enhancement Contract (S.E.D.P.).
- Matters related to late submission are regulated by the owners of A.P.E. stations. and S.H.I.T.Y.A., of the statement to the company Administrator of Renewable Energy Sources and Guarantees of Origin (D.A.P.E.P.E.P. S.A.) or to the company Operator of the Hellenic Electricity Distribution Network (D.E.D.D.H.E. S.A.), as the case may be, regarding the payment of investment aid.
Specifically, among other things, it is foreseen that the above companies will impose a fine of ten (10) euros per kilowatt-hour (€10/kW) of contracted power, for each month of delay in submitting the declaration, in favor of the Special A.A.P.E and S.H.I.TH.Y.A. Account of article 143 of Law 4001/2011.
In case of retroactive reclassification of a station in the ME category (with the use of aid), the amount paid by the owner of the station from the submission of the original Ε declaration (without the use of aid) is refunded. The amount will be calculated after offsetting the aforementioned fine.
4a. It increases to 180 MW (from the current 140 MW), the power limit for photovoltaic plants on the island of Crete. It is stipulated that 30MW of these are allocated to Energy Community stations. They are allowed to submit applications for up to eight (8) stations per Energy Community.
Furthermore, a specific deadline is defined, from the granting of the definitive connection offer, for the submission by the stations, except for those excluded, of a Declaration of Readiness for the connection of the A.P.E. station.
b. The content of the authorizations provided, which regulate issues related to the conduct of competitive tendering procedures for power generation plants by A.P.E., is redefined. and SITHYA
- Article 99 of Law 4821'2021 is amended, with retroactive effect from August 1, 2021. It is stipulated that the compensation price of the photovoltaic stations in the Non-Interconnected Islands does not exceed the corresponding price with which each station was compensated on January 1, 2014, with an automatic extension of the relevant contracts for three (3) years.
The right is given to the stations that do not wish to be subject to the above regulation, to submit a relevant irrevocable statement to the D.E.D.D.H.E. S.A. The declaration must be submitted within the set deadline.
- Invoicing issues of contracts for operational support of differential surcharge of A.P.E. stations are regulated. and S.H.I.T.Y.A. (n. 4414/2016).
a. It is provided that, in the event that the amount resulting from the monthly invoicing under the relevant operating aid contract is negative, i.e. the owner of the stations must return an amount to the Special Account of article 143 of Law 4001/2011. The company D.A.P.E.P.E.P. S.A. issues the relevant invoice to the owner of the station.
The further actions of the said company in case the invoice is not paid by the owner of the station are determined. (offset of the due amounts with subsequent invoices, deletion from the station register, etc.).
b. The above arrangements also cover invoices that have already been issued or are to be issued within the specified time period. They apply in cases of negative differential surcharge, as long as the invoices in question are not paid within the set deadline (17.12.2021).