March 18, 2025 5 min read
New Economy: The platform for applications opens in October


The New ExoEconomy for the economy is on track for implementation energy upgrading more than 50,000 homes, which introduces social criteria to support vulnerable households. According to the announcement Ministry of Energy and Environment , the new programme is expected to become operational in October with the activation of the application platform. Applications will be submitted electronically for a period of one month from the specified starting date and will be simultaneous throughout the Territory.

Budget for the New Economy

The total budget amounts to €632 million and together with the leverage, funds will be mobilised over €1 billion euro. The average estimated subsidy amounts to 62% of the total expenditure, while the goal is to upgrade the energy efficiency of more homes at a rate of 38% compared to the previous cycle of the program.

The new application system abolishes time priority, while applications will be scored on the basis of energy, economic and social criteria.

Beneficiaries for the New Economy

Priority will be given to households with lower incomes, people with disabilities, single-parent families, the long-term unemployed, large families and households with increased energy needs. The estimated annual energy savings based on the proposed cost of interventions will be the most important criterion at 50%, followed by individual or family income at 15%.

Especially for individuals and households with low incomes, a separate a budget of up to EUR 100 million. For individuals with individual incomes up to €5,000 and for households with family incomes up to €10,000, The subsidy will be 75%. In addition, a guarantee is introduced for their bank lending in order to proceed with interventions for the energy upgrade of their homes. In case of exhaustion of resources for this category, there is provision to provide additional funds from the total budget of the program for the inclusion of additional beneficiaries.

Categories/subcategories of interventions for the New Economy

1. Frames/shading systems/ventilation

  • Aluminum frame with glazing - Window
  • Aluminum frame with glass pane – Exterior doors
  • Wood frame with glass pane – Window
  • Wood frame with glass pane – Exterior doors
  • PVC frame with glazing – Window
  • PVC frame with glazing - Exterior doors
  • Glass panes only (No frame replacement for listed buildings and buildings within traditional settlements)
  • Outer protective sheet (Box-Roll system, or Cover)
  • Other fixed or mobile shading systems
  • Mechanical Ventilation Systems with Heat Recovery

2. Thermal insulation

  • Thermal insulation of the roof outside
  • Thermal insulation of a roof or horizontal roof under a non-heat-insulated roof
  • Thermal insulation ext. masonry, load-bearing structure, floor on the ground on a pilot, or unheated space, coated with synthetic coating
  • Thermal insulation masonry, load-bearing structure, cockpit floor or unheated space, coated with light screens

3. Heating/cooling systems

  • Automatic control devices for the operation of a heating system
  • Burner system – Natural Gas / LPG boiler
  • A/Th system (Heating - Cooling / Minimum energy label requirement at 55oC)
  • Geothermal heat pump system
  • Biomass boiler system - wood pellets)
  • Split unit air-to-air heat pumps for space heating/cooling
  • Mechanical Ventilation Systems with Heat Recovery

4. Hot water supply systems

  • Solar water heater system collector – storage reservoir DHW Solar thermal collector system – forced circulation storage reservoir
  • Solar thermal system for the provision of DHW and space heating assistance
  • Heat pump

5. Other savings interventions

  • Energy management devices (smart home)
  • Lighting upgrade (only for apartment building)
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