The online submission of applications for the new Public Benefit Labour Programme -"Promotion of employment through Public Benefit Programmes for 25,000 people in Municipalities, Regions, Regional Social Welfare Centres (CSWCs)/ related bodies, Ministries and other agencies" of eight months duration has started.
Budget of the Community Service Programme
The action has a total budget of188.6 million euros. Funded by NSRF resources with € 132 million. and from Public Employment Service resources with EUR 56.6 million. euros and has two parts:
- a) the employment of the unemployed registered in the OAED register for 8 months in Municipalities, Regions, KKPP, etc.
- b) the provision of theoretical training programs of up to 150 hours in 11 targeted thematic units, which will lead to certification of the knowledge and skills that will be acquired, constituting an integrated active employment policy, which will help the labor integration of the unemployed.
Who it is aimed at the New Public Benefit Employment Programme
The program is addressed to unemployed persons registered in the OAED Register who meet the specific conditions of participation mentioned in the relevant call.
Applications close on Friday, March 18 at 11:00.
Objective of the Community Service Programme
The aim of the new programme is to: strengthening the employment of the unemployed, with a particular focus on vulnerable groups at high risk of exclusion (long-term unemployed), unemployed with low qualifications) and are required to work in the first instance in a "protected environment". Purpose integrate into the labour market and avoid marginalization while maintaining their employability.
At the same time, the program aims to upgrade the knowledge and skills of the unemployed. Thus, participants are supported in the process of their integration into the labor market. At the same time, the provision of higher quality and more effective services to Municipalities and Regions is ensured for the benefit of society as a whole.
Allocation of Community Service Program positions
The new community service program concerns the employment of a total of 25,000 beneficiaries, registered in the OAED unemployment registers, in Municipalities, Regions, Decentralized Administrations, Social Policy Centers and other bodies, according to the following distribution:
- Municipalities: 20,397 places (81.6%) (the allocation took into account the increased needs of municipalities affected by last summer's devastating fires).
- Regions: 2,566 places (10.3%)
- Decentralised Administrations: 348 posts (1,4 %)
- Other Institutions: 1,689 posts (6,7%)
Submission of applications for the New Public Employment Programme
The submission of applications by interested parties is made through the Single Digital Portal of the State gov.gr . They can also submit an online application at the OAED website, at: www.oaed.gr , usingthe relevant online application registration field.
With the new community service program, the following will be recruited in Municipalities, Regions, Decentralized Administrations and other bodies:
- 11,801 unemployed in compulsory education (HR)
- 6.575 unemployed secondary education (CI)
- 3,114 unemployed in technological education (TE)
- 3,510 unemployed university education (PE)
All the beneficiaries of the program will significantly enhance the operation of the host institutions through 170 different professional specialties.
More specifically, with the new program, the following are offered to the host organizations:
- 20 specialties for unemployed people in compulsory education (e.g. cleaning work, green work, etc.),
- 53 specialties for unemployed secondary education (e.g. administrative / accounting, drivers, guards, etc.), Community Service (e.g. IT, nursery nurses, nurses, etc.)
- 60 specialties for unemployed university education (e.g. engineers, foresters, social workers, etc.).