M. Wednesday, 12 April 2023 at 13:00, start the applications from businesses active in high unemployment areas of the Attica and specifically in the Regional Units of Western Sector of Athens, the West Attica and Piraeus for the 3,000 positions of the 4th cycle of the Business Grant Programme for the employment of unemployed people aged 30 years and over in the Most Developed Regions (MDR) of the country, with emphasis on the women of DYPA.
Applications will be accepted until Friday 12 May 2023 at 15:00 or until places are exhausted.
The amounts of the grant of the FRA
The amounts of the wage subsidy and insurance contributions for hiring unemployed people in new full-time positions for 12 months are as follows:
- 467 euros monthly / 5,598 euros annually for unemployed people aged 30-49
- 560 euros monthly / 6,718 euros annually for unemployed people aged 50 and over
- 606 euros monthly / 7,277 euros annually for long-term unemployed aged 30 and over
- 653 euros monthly / 7,837 euros annually for long-term unemployed aged 50 and over
- 700 euros monthly / 8,397 euros annually for unemployed women aged 30 and over
Businesses interested in participating will submit their application exclusively online through the State Aid Information System of the Ministry of Development & Investments, at the following address: www.ependyseis.gr/mis.
Then, the employment advisers of the DYPA will nominate candidates to the company, according to:
- the category of unemployed
- the specialty, and
- the required qualifications
Then the company will choose among the candidates for recruitment.
A prerequisite is that the company has not reduced its staff in the three months prior to the application and has not received funding from state aid of more than 200,000 euros in the previous 3 years (current and two previous). The grant includes the corresponding Christmas and Easter gifts and leave allowances.
The project, with a total budget of €26.000.000, is co-funded by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund), through the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning 2014/20".
For the Call for Proposals and for more information, interested parties can visit the website of the CIFA: www.dypa.gov.gr.