Support for at least 12,000 young people, aged 18-29, who are out of work, education or training and are economically inactive or unemployed (including long-term unemployed), through vocational counselling & guidance actions, specialised vocational training with certification, promotion in employment, promotion of work experience ("on the job training") and promoting self-employment, through the action Guarantee for Youth.
Youth GuaranteeAction Budget , to support young people aged 18-29
The co-financed (where co-financed public expenditure is the eligible public expenditure from the OP for the calculation of Community assistance) public expenditure available for the inclusion of operations under this call amounts to EUR 60 000 000.
What is funded
Details of the eligible costs on page 14 of the Invitation.
Application area
All regions of the country.
Submission period
The application platform has been opened and will be open until 15/4/2022.
In cases of documents for which it is not technically possible to attach/submit electronically (e.g. maps, drawings, etc.), the beneficiary is obliged to send them to: "NSRF EXECUTIVE STRUCTURE, EMPLOYMENT AND SOCIAL ECONOMY SECTOR", 4 Korai Street, 105 64 ATHENS, within 10 working days from the closing date for the submission of proposals.
Targeting of actions
The targeting of actions concerns three areas:
- digital professions
- energy
- technical professions
The physical object of the proposed intervention consists of actions comprising two stages:
Stage A
- Provision of Vocational Counseling & Guidance services
- Provision of "horizontal" theoretical training services (concerns the acquisition of softskills)
- Certification of beneficiaries and
Stage B: Selection of the appropriate "route" for each beneficiary of the Action, between four proposed "routes":
- Route No1 - Specialized vocational training: Program of specialized vocational training as well as certification of knowledge and skills
- Route No 2 - Promotion to employment: Consultancy support and monitoring of a one-hour training programme aimed at promoting the beneficiaries to employment in the framework of the active employment policies (NTE programmes) implemented by the OAED . It also includes certification of knowledge and skills.
- Route No3 - Acquisition of work experience (on the job training): Counseling support and attendance of a short training program aimed at promoting the beneficiaries in companies of the private sector or in bodies of the Public and wider Public sector for the realization on the job training and the acquisition of work experience. It also includes certification of knowledge and skills
- Route No4 - Promotion in self-employment: Mentoring and monitoring of a training program aimed at promoting the beneficiaries in self-employment in the context of the implemented active employment policies (N.E.E. programs) implemented by the OAED. It also includes certification of knowledge and skills.
Indicative educational subjects
- Social Economy & Entrepreneurship
- Organization and Management of the Company
- Business planning - preparation of a business plan
- Marketing principles – drafting a Marketing plan
- Basic issues of Financial Management (Taxation, Insurance, Financing, etc.)
- Human resource management
- Corporate Social Responsibility
After the completion of each Training Program, the trainees will be required to participate in Certification exams. The certification - through the assessment of their knowledge and competence - will be done by Certification Bodies operating in Greece and / or internationally and who are either accredited according to the ISO/IEC 17024 standard, or are certified under the current institutional framework to grant certificates for the specific specialties.
Who it is aimed at the Youth Guarantee
Entities that fall into the following categories of potential Beneficiaries:
- Institutional social partners and their organisations
- Legal Entity representing Chambers or Business Associations
- Scientific, professional bodies of legal entities related to the subject of the Act, which have the administrative and operational capacity for the implementation of the specific operation and have implemented or are implementing co-financed projects of the European Social Fund as beneficiaries for the submission of a project proposal (act), individually or in partnership in order to be included and financed under the above Priority Axis of the Operational Program. It should be noted that in the case of an individual beneficiary, it must be of national scope and in the case of a partnership, each partner must belong to the above categories of potential beneficiaries and at least one of them must be of national scope.