The fourteenth (14th) amendment of the Call for Applications for Funding Applications for Business Plans under the Action, Support to Tourism SMEs for their modernization and the qualitative upgrade of the services provided by the ERANEK, regarding the extension of the time for the completion of the investments, has been published. Specifically, the amendment of the Call extends the implementation schedule to 45 months and 132 days from the date of issue of the Integration Decision. Where the period laid down expires on a non-working day, it shall be extended until the first working day.
Especially and only for those investment projects, the date of issue of the Decision for inclusion in the Action is up to 29.11.2017, their completion deadline cannot exceed 42 months and 132 days from the date of issue of the Integration Decision, as the current deadline for their implementation had already passed.
In case the expected completion dates of the physical and financial object are later than 31/12/2023, then the deadline for completion is set at 31/12/2023.
Support for Tourism SMEs - Objective of the action
The project aims at support for investment projects of existing micro, small and medium-sized tourism enterprises all sectors for the modernisation of the infrastructure and the their operation, the upgrading their quality and enriching, upgrading and certifying the products and services offered, in order to improve their position in the domestic and international tourism market.
Action budget
The amount of the budget is EUR 110 000 000.
The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by national resources.
Existing & new micro, small and medium-sized enterprises active in tourism.
It is specified that:
- the company is not obliged to dispose of the investment Nace Code when submitting the application for funding but must dispose of it before the first disbursement
- The investment Nace Code, in case the company does not have it until 31.12.2015, should be complementary to the Nace Code of the enterprise, i.e. enrich, expand and upgrade the services / products offered by the company. For other tourism enterprises, Nace Codes 55.1, 55.2, 55.3 are not considered complementary.
- in the case of an enterprise that has accommodation eligible for the action Nace Code as well as Nace Codes of other tourism enterprises, the investment plan may concern both categories ONLY when it is proved and documented that the other activities enrich / upgrade the accommodation in which the investment is made. In this case the business is evaluated as accommodation. Otherwise, its investment plan must concern one of the two categories and the business is evaluated accordingly (as accommodation or as other tourism enterprises)'
- half (0.50) of the ΕΜΕ of paid employment concerns only the tourist activity of the business
They are subsidized for investment projects amounting to 15,000 EUR until 150,000 EUR provided not exceed the total turnover of the company's tourism activities in 2015 or the amount of one hundred and fifty thousand euros (150,000 euros), if the turnover is greater than 150,000 EUR and cannot be less than fifteen thousand euros (15,000 euros). It is clarified that in case the enterprise has a mixed activity, then the turnover of only tourist activities will be taken into account.
The funding covers 40% of the eligible costs and is increased by 10%, reaching 50% in the case of recruitment of new staff.
What is subsidized
- wildings, fakilites ed surudings
- Machinery – Equipment
- Equipment and Installations for environmental protection & energy & water saving
- Development & Certification of quality assurance & environmental management systems
- Wage costs of employees (existing and/or new staff)
- Software and Software Services
- Means
- Monitoring of the implementation of the Investment Plan
- Studies/market research
- Promotion
Basic conditions for participation in the Support for Tourism SMEs
- In companies with three or more uses, the company is required to employ on average in the three-year period 2013-2015 at least half (0.5) SRM of paid employment.
- In businesses with two uses, the company is required to employ on average in the two-year period 2014-2015 at least half (0.5) EME of paid employment.
- In enterprises with one full use, it is required pro rata that the enterprise employs in the year 2015 at least half (0.5) of salaried employment.
- In case a business has less than one year of operation, it is required to employ at least half (0.5) EME for the period of its operation.
- Where the undertaking has received support from a previous programme, it must, including aid from this action, not exceed EUR 200 000 within the three-year period (current calendar year and the two previous years).
You can find more information about the action here.