The deadline for the completion of the digital inventory of working hours in the ERGANI II Information Systemis extended until Tuesday 20 December at 12.00 midnight . It concerns all private sector employers for all their employees with a contract of employment.
The digital working time census is the preceding stage for the full implementation of the mechanism of Digital Working Time Card mechanism.
This extension is granted in order to give sufficient time to those companies that have not been de-registered and their accountants to take the necessary actions. However, it is underlined that no further extension will be granted.
The registration rates
The system was open from the Tuesday1 November. Since the system was opened up to Friday 25 November had become entries corresponding to around 500,000 workers. Note that the total number of employees amounts to 2.410.134. By the evening of Tuesday 29 November the entries corresponded to 974,000 employees. By 6.00 p.m. on Wednesday 30 November had become entries for 1,346,205 employees (55.8% of the total). Similarly, by 6.00 p.m., out of a total of approximately 289.334 enterprises were registered 195,967 enterprises (67%).
These figures show that the vast majority of enterprises have registered - which proves that too many small enterprises have registered - but also the majority of workers. Most registrations have been made in the last five days.
Based on the registrations made to date, it is clear that the 20-day extension given for the completion of the procedure is more than enough time to make the corresponding registrations for businesses and workers who join ERGANI II.
The new upgraded ERGANI II Information System (https://eservices.yeka.gr)is a step forward for everyone. For the State that has a more complete picture of the labour market. For workers who can defend their rights more effectively. But also for businesses and their accountants as it will bea system with much less bureaucratic burden.