February 23, 2025 5 min read
Employment grant program for young freelancers focusing on the digital economy


The action concerns the support of new businesses created from 1/1/2022 onwards, by former unemployed people aged 30-45. The focus will be on businesses operating in the digital economy.

Within the framework of this action, 3,000 new enterprises will be supported in the Less Developed Regions (LAP) of the country as well as 220 new enterprises operating in the Region of Western Macedonia.

The Region of Western Macedonia was chosen due to the lignite phase-out of the region and to act as a pilot for the expanded implementation of the action in the rest of the Regions in Transition of the country. The duration of the grant is 12 months.

This call is addressed to the Public Employment Service for the submission of project proposals (operations), within the framework of the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation".

Budgeting for the digital economy

The co-financed (where co-financed public expenditure is the eligible public expenditure from the OP for the calculation of Community assistance) public expenditure available for the integration of operations under this call amounts to EUR 47 656 000 and is broken down by action scope and category of region.

Target Audience

Public Employment Service.

Submission period

Οι προτάσεις υποβάλλονται μέσω του ΟΠΣ ΕΣΠΑ στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση: http://logon.ops.gr/, έως 30/06/2022 στις 14:00:00 (ημερομηνία λήξης υποβολής προτάσεων).

Application area

All over Greece

Terms and conditions for the digital economy

The Technical Data Sheet (TSI) is the proposal of the Beneficiary and is completed exclusively in the electronic form available in the NSRF MIS. Attached to this invitation are instructions for completing the fields of the Technical Bulletin of Act. The submission of the proposal shall also constitute an application for funding by the potential beneficiary. An integral element of the proposal are the following supporting documents, which accompany the Technical Data Sheet of the Act:

  • Technical Data Sheet
  • Elements substantiating the competence of the beneficiary
  • Decision of the Competent College on the submission of the proposal
  • Regulatory framework for the designation of the operator and maintenance of the operation
  • Feasibility study or relevant documentation to examine the necessity of implementing the Act
  • Administrative Capacity / Organizational Structure and Procedures
  • Management Capacity / Project management and implementation procedures
  • Operational capacity / Experience in the implementation of relevant projects

The supporting documents/ documents are submitted in pdf format as attachments to the TSI. The analysis for calculating net revenue, if any, shall be submitted in Excel file format.

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