February 23, 2025 5 min read
EIB: New ECU 500 million programme euro for business investments in Greece


Η Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων (ΕΤΕπ) συνεργάζεται με τις μεγαλύτερες ελληνικές τράπεζες, στις οποίες θα χορηγήσει δάνεια συνολικού ύψους 500 εκατ. ευρώ για τη χρηματοδότηση νέων επιχειρηματικών επενδύσεων, συμπεριλαμβανομένων επενδύσεων επιχειρήσεων που στηρίζουν ενεργά την απασχόληση των νέων και την επαγγελματική ενδυνάμωση των γυναικών.

This new financing initiative, through which the European Investment Bank provides for the first time in Greece targeted support to companies that promote female entrepreneurship and the presence of women in business leadership positions, will contribute to the further professional empowerment of women.

The new programme will also boost youth employment by modelling on the EIB's "Skills and Jobs – Investing for Youth" initiative and building on the success of older schemes that have helped create jobs for hundreds of young people.

Ο Andrew McDowell, Αντιπρόεδρος της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων αρμόδιος για την Ελλάδα, δήλωσε σχετικά: "Η αύξηση του αριθμού των εργαζόμενων γυναικών ενισχύει την οικονομία. Ο Όμιλος της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων στηρίζει ενεργά τις επενδύσεις του ιδιωτικού τομέα στην Ελλάδα και, για πρώτη φορά, αυτό το πρόγραμμα χρηματοδότησης επιχειρήσεων, ύψους 500 εκατ. ευρώ, το οποίο αναπτύχθηκε και υλοποιείται σε συνεργασία με κορυφαίες ελληνικές τράπεζες, έχει ως στόχο την παροχή στήριξης προς επιχειρήσεις που δημιουργούν νέες ευκαιρίες για τις γυναίκες. Το πρόγραμμα στοχεύει επίσης άμεσα στην αντιμετώπιση της ανεργίας των νέων και στηρίζεται στην επιτυχία παλαιότερων πρωτοβουλιών για την ενίσχυση της απασχόλησης και τη βελτίωση των δεξιοτήτων των νέων".

Greek banks support targeted funding programme

The new program was agreed with the following Greek banks: Alpha Bank, Eurobank, National Bank of Greece and Piraeus Bank.

The CEO of Alpha Bank, Vassilios Psaltis stated: "Alpha Bank actively supports entrepreneurship and professional empowerment of women and contributes to the creation of jobs for young people, through its participation in the innovative, new program of the European Investment Bank, with which it signed two agreements totaling €150 million. euro. Having already secured the necessary funds specifically to enhance the participation of women in the private sector, Alpha Bank is ready to finance on favorable terms the investment plans of companies throughout Greece that belong to women or encourage the presence of women in leadership positions. At the same time, through the new Programme, the Bank continues to promote the extroversion and competitiveness of Greek businesses by providing them with innovative and efficient financing solutions."

The CEO of Eurobank, Fokion Karavias, stated: "Eurobank continues its successful and long-term cooperation with the European Investment Bank, as part of its strategy to support Greek entrepreneurship and employment. The new agreement confirms the EIB's interest in supporting young people in the labour market and focuses on the professional empowerment of women, as it supports for the first time in Greece entrepreneurial investments in favour of women. These are two extremely important aspirations due to the increased degree of difficulty that these two categories faced and face for their access to the labor market, especially in the years of crisis. Such initiatives are necessary as they create opportunities for the development of female entrepreneurship, enrich and strengthen the Greek business ecosystem in a new phase of challenges for the Greek economy."

O Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Εθνικής Τράπεζας, Παύλος Μυλωνάς, δήλωσε: "Στρατηγικός στόχος της Εθνικής είναι η στήριξη των μικρών, μεσαίων και μεγάλων επιχειρήσεων που διαθέτουν δυναμισμό και προοπτικές. Στο πλαίσιο αυτό εντάσσεται η βελτίωση των όρων χρηματοδότησης υγιών επιχειρήσεων που προωθούν την απασχόληση των νέων, στηρίζουν τη γυναικεία επιχειρηματικότητα και ενισχύουν την παρουσία γυναικών σε ηγετικές θέσεις επιχειρήσεων, μέσω των προγραμμάτων χρηματοδότησης της Ευρωπαϊκής Τράπεζας Επενδύσεων."

Ο Xρήστος Μεγάλου, Διευθύνων Σύμβουλος της Τράπεζας Πειραιώς δήλωσε: "Η Τράπεζα Πειραιώς, διαδραματίζει πρωταγωνιστικό ρόλο στην αποτελεσματική απορρόφηση των πόρων που προέρχονται από τις ευρωπαϊκές πηγές χρηματοδότησης με στόχο την υποστήριξη της επιχειρηματικότητας και των επενδύσεων στο χώρο τωνμικρών και μεσαίων επιχειρήσεων. Με τη νέα συμφωνία επεκτείνει τη μακροχρόνια συνεργασία της με την Ευρωπαϊκή Τράπεζα Επενδύσεων στο πλαίσιο της από κοινού ενίσχυσης της ελληνικής επιχειρηματικότητας. H νέα αυτή στοχευμένη πρωτοβουλία που εστιάζει στη γυναικεία επιχειρηματικότητα και στους νέους ανθρώπους, θα συμβάλει καθοριστικά στην ανάπτυξη των ελληνικών μικρών και μεσαίων επιχειρήσεων, στην ανάδειξη νέων επενδυτικών ευκαιριών για αυτές και στη δημιουργία θέσεων εργασίας".

The programme is guaranteed by the Greek State and is expected to lead to investments totalling €1.4 billion. euro in the country, in all the main productive sectors, including trade, manufacturing, tourism, etc.

The new programme follows on from the successful €1.05 billion credit line. euro granted by the EIB to Greek banks in December 2016, through which in less than three years to date, almost 1,000 companies across Greece have received financing on the favourable terms offered by the EIB.

EIB - Enhancing women's participation in the private sector

In line with the European Investment Bank's Strategy for Gender Equality and Women's Economic Empowerment, 100 mill. euros The new funding programme will be used to provide loans to businesses that empower women professionally.

In particular, the programme will support investments in companies that increase the participation of women in leadership positions as well as in companies that are, for the most part, owned by women and run by women.

EIB - Facing the challenge of youth unemployment

Young people in Greece still face unemployment problems and are less likely to find work than young people in many other parts of Europe.

The European Investment Bank is actively contributing to the fight against youth unemployment and EUR 400 million has been earmarked for this purpose. Euros from the new credit lines will finance investments by businesses that support youth employment by creating new jobs for them.

Continuing the previous business investment support programme

Through the €1.05 billion credit line, it will be possible to make a difference. launched in December 2016, business loans totalling almost €300 million; They supported investments by businesses across Greece that created or maintained 887 jobs for young people.

Over the past five years, the European Investment Bank has provided, in cooperation with Greek banks, more than €3.5 billion to the european investment bank. Euro for new business investments throughout Greece, helping these businesses to expand, create jobs and increase their productivity.

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Tags: - All Activities ,- All of Greece ,Accounting Services ,Agricultural sector ,Agrotourism ,Aquaculture ,Attica ,Boat rental companies ,Businesses under creation ,Cafe-bars / Cafeterias / Traditional Cafes ,Camping ,Central Greece ,Central Macedonia ,Consulting services ,Crete ,Cultural & Creative Industry ,Eastern Macedonia and Thrace ,Education ,Energy ,Engineering services ,Environment ,Epirus ,Event catering services ,Fishery ,Food industry - Distillery ,Forestry/forestry ,Georgia ,Health, Medicines & Social Care ,Hospitality ,Hotels ,Individuals ,informatics ,Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) ,Ionian Islands ,Land / Water / Air transport ,Legal Services ,Livestock farming ,Loan ,Manufacturing ,Materials / Constructions ,Medium ,Mines-Metals-Latodes-Mining ,News Farmers ,North Aegean ,Other financing ,Other manufacturing ,Peloponnese ,Processing of Agricultural Products ,Restaurants ,Retail trade ,Rooms/Apartments to Let ,Services ,Small ,Southern Aegean Sea ,Sports services ,Startups ,Supply Chain (Transportation & Storage) ,Telecommunications ,Thessaly ,Tourism ,Tourist Furnished Residences ,Trade ,Travel Agencies ,Vehicle rental companies ,Warehousing & transportation support services ,Watersports ,West Greece ,Western Macedonia ,Wholesale trade Entrepreneurship,Female entrepreneurship,Young people,Youth Employment

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