Wednesday 15 February 2023 is the deadline for business applications for the Work Experience Programme for 10,000 unemployed young people aged 18-30 years old, funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund.
The 7-month programme aims at upgrading the skills and preparing 10,000 young people, graduates of at least compulsory education, to enter the labour market, with a budget of 68 million euros.
The DYPA pays the beneficiaries a monthly allowance equal to the legal minimum net wage with full social security contributions, as well as a proportion of holiday bonuses and holiday allowance.
The scheme is aimed at private enterprises. A prerequisite is that the company must not have made a reduction in staff due to termination of an employment contract in the three months preceding the submission of the application.
The steps for the application
Businesses interested in participating can submit their application exclusively online with their TAXISnet codes via:
a) the e-Services platform of the DYPA at: www.dypa.gov.gr
b) gov.gr at: https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/epikheirematike-drasterioteta/apaskholese-prosopikou/summetokhe-epikheireseon-ergodoton-se-programmata-katartises-anergon
The steps are simple:
- The company applies and specifies the qualifications for the position
- DYPA confirms that the company meets the requirements
- The recruitment consultants of the DYPA propose candidates to the company according to the qualifications required for the post
- The enterprise selects the beneficiary and they sign an agreement.