Η EY Greece is the first to embrace the CyberSecurity Women's Academy, a new cybersecurity academy for women that Microsoft has piloted and is developing through partners. The academy aims to support women to develop their Microsoft-certified technical skills, gain a competitive edge and launch their careers in the fast-growing field of cybersecurity.
This initiative is a continuation of EY Greece' s actions to strengthen the equal representation of women and their role in the cybersecurity and technology sector in general , where they are traditionally underrepresented. In perfect synergy with Microsoft's ongoing effort in the same direction, part of its commitment through GRforGrowth to train and certify 100,000 citizens in digital skills by 2025.
The programme, which provided free of charge by the EY Greece with the cooperation of Microsoft and Infolab, started in April and is expected to be completed in September, with the training of women in five Microsoft technical certifications. It is noted that the professionals attending the academy were selected after an evaluation process of 131 candidates.
The EY & Microsoft Women Cybersecurity Academy, follows on from earlier actions, such as the ReGeneration Academy for Women in Data Engineering powered by EY, organised in 2021-2022 in cooperation with the ReGeneration. The programme Addressed exclusively to new graduates, providing 100 hours of specialised training in the field of data science (data science). After its completion, 20 female graduates of the programme were hired by EY Greece and joined its teams.
Angeliki Delga, Senior Manager in the Cybersecurity and Privacy Services Department of EY Greece
"In the EC, we have long highlighted the need for morethe full and equal presence of women, and for more diversity of views and skills in cybersecurity. Thus, through the EY & Microsoft CyberSecurity Women's Academy, we are giving young professionals the opportunity to enhance and certify their technical skills, with the credibility of Microsoft, topursue careers and excel in the cybersecurity space."
Panagiotis Papagiannakopoulos, Partner in the Consulting Services Department of EY Greece and responsible for EY's relationship with Microsoft Greece for the CyberSecurity Women's Academy
"The creation of a better working world that EY has set as its goal is about a world with equal employment opportunities for all. Through the strong ecosystem of alliances we have developed, we have the opportunity to launch, together, with partners like Microsoft, actions with positive results for all. This academy is carrying out an important work for the promotion of the the critical role of women in the key area of cybersecurity, and is further proof of our commitment to an equal and inclusive working world."