Έντεκα ανοικτά προς υποβολή αιτήσεων προγράμματα ανακοίνωσε στην διαδικτυακή του φόρμα ο ΟΑΕΔ. Χάρη σε αυτά δημιουργούνται 112.000 νέες θέσεις εργασίας για ανέργους.
Προγράμματα για 112.000 νέες θέσεις εργασίας για ανέργους του ΟΑΕΔ ανοικτά προς υποβολή
Subsidy program for seasonal hotel businesses for the maintenance of jobs during the winter period 2017-2018.
Subsidy program for the first recruitment of employees by self-employed young people and youth enterprises, up to 35 years old. 20 000 jobs are to be filled.
Business grant program for the employment of 15,000 unemployed aged 30-49.
Subsidy program for businesses and employers for the employment of 2,000 unemployed People with Disabilities, Drug Addicts, Released Prisoners, Young Delinquents or Young People at Social Risk and Ergonomic Workplace Arrangement Program for 50 People with Disabilities.
Program to support the employment of 40,000 paid with a Service Provision Voucher, by converting the contract.
Subsidy program for businesses, institutions and organizations of the Public Sector and enterprises of Municipalities and Regions, for the employment of 10,000 long-term unemployed, aged 55-67.
Program for the subsidy of businesses and employers in general for the Employment of 10,000 beneficiaries of the "Reintegration Into the Labor Market Check".
A grant programme for enterprises with more than twenty full-time jobs to recruit 5,000 unemployed people in a disadvantaged and particularly disadvantaged situation, over the age of 50 .
Subsidy program for businesses with up to twenty full-time staff, for the recruitment of 10,000 unemployed people over the age of 50.
Subsidy Program for Private Enterprises for the Employment of Students of A.T.E.I-ASPETE (former SELETE).
Grant program for the enhancement of the organizational capacity of G.S.E.V.E.E., E.S.E.E. and their member organizations, S.E.V., S.E.T.E. as well as the Panhellenic Member Organizations of S.E.T.E.
Read here what applies to all the above OAED programmes resulting in 112,000 new jobs.