March 12, 2025 5 min read
4 new OAED programs – Community Service – 49,000 unemployed recruitments


Four more programs - Public Benefit Work are expected to be published by the OAED in the coming months, opening 49,000 new jobs for the country's unemployed. The calls for the new programmes are expected to be published by the end of May.

The aim of the OAED, but also of the leadership of the Ministry of Labor, is to create new jobs and reduce unemployment rates.

We remind you that applications for a new OAED program for unemployed people aged 18-29 concerning the subsidy of up to 17,000 euros for the creation of a business have already begun and are submitted by Friday, February 28, 2020 at 23:59 on the OAED website,

The programs that will follow concern exclusively the creation of new salaried positions in community service structures and in various services of local authorities, but also of the State.

These are the following 4 programs:

  1. Public benefit programs for the employment of 5,000 unemployed in forest protection
  2. Community service program in local government bodies for 36,500 unemployed people.
  3. Employment program for 2,000 long-term unemployed in Public & Local Government Organizations
  4. Program for 5,500 unemployed graduates.

Program for 5,000 unemployed in forest protection

According to information, it is planned to recruit about 5,000 unemployed people to the Ministry of Environment and Energy and the Decentralized Administrations for the fire protection of the country's forest ecosystems.

The programme will involve the recruitment of 5 000 unemployed people for forest fire protection. The notice is expected to be published in April.

The placement of unemployed persons involves eight months' work in forest protection. There will be a credit process, from which the final beneficiaries will be derived, through the OAED unemployment register. Unemployed people should apply online to join the beneficiary selection list.

The program will include the following parameters:

  • This action is prepared by the General Secretariat for Community and Other Resources.
  • The action is addressed to the Decentralized Administrations of the Regions of the country.
  • The aim is to reconnect the long-term unemployed and other vulnerable groups with the labour market. Also, to improve their economic situation, by meeting social needs, to combine the productive capacities of the unemployed with the needs of the local community and to protect forests from fires.
  • In specially justified cases, the duration of the program may be extended by one month and 15 days, beyond the eight-month period applicable to all beneficiaries.

Community service for 36,500 unemployed

By mid-February, according to information, the announcement of the new large program OAED Community Service is expected. It will address a total of 36,500 unemployed people in Municipalities, Regions, Social Welfare Centers and 37 services of the Ministry of Environment and Energy / management bodies of protected areas.

More specifically, on Thursday, November 28, 2019, the OAED Community Service program was approved by the Monitoring Committee of the Operational Program Human Resource Development (HRDA) and the distribution of positions per Municipality came out.

OAED - Public Benefit Work

In total, 36,500 places will be opened, which will be filled by long-term unemployed registered with the OAED and the program will last eight months.

Beneficiaries of the programme will be those unemployed persons registered in the OAED registers, aged up to 67 years old, who have completed at least secondary compulsory education.


The subjects of theoretical training may be the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) at three levels of knowledge (elementary, basic and advanced) with the possibility of certifying the knowledge and skills of informatics that will be acquired in the framework of the training program. Certification is carried out through examinations conducted by Certification Bodies operating in Greece and / or internationally.

The positions advertised correspond to hundreds of specialties of compulsory, secondary, technological and university education, such as administrative and financial staff, psychologists, social workers, nurses, teachers, kindergarten teachers, nursery nurses, electricians, plumbers, cleaning assistants, auxiliary guarding staff, builders, drivers and general duties.

At the same time, there will be other specialties in order to meet all the requirements of the Institutions.

It is worth noting that:

  1. As in the program of the First Cycle, those registered in the unemployment registers of OAED will be able to apply for one to three Municipalities of their choice and for a single specialty.
  2. In all likelihood, the 30,333 beneficiaries of the First Cycle of Community Service, whose contracts also received a four-month extension, will not be eligible to submit applications.

OAED Public Benefit Work 2019 - Criteria, Grading & Amounts

The employment is for a period of 8 months and in any case - as is the case for all active employment programmes for unemployed people in public and wider public sector bodies - will not cover the fixed and permanent needs of the participating bodies. It will be carried out in targeted projects of the municipalities and bodies which will be aimed primarily at improving everyday life at local level, such as, for example, the maintenance and upgrading of small infrastructures, the improvement of services provided to residents, the upgrading and protection of the environment, etc.

The program will include employment with full labor and insurance rights, provided in the form of projects with specific deliverables.

According to the first information, employment will be with full labor and insurance rights and will be provided in the form of projects with specific deliverables. These projects will cover fixed and ongoing needs and will have measurable results in terms of improving the daily life of the inhabitants of the municipalities.

Based on the data so far, the daily fee is set at 21.84 euros, while the monthly one is up to 546 euros.


Beneficiaries of the programme are Greek citizens, citizens of EU member states, Northern Epirotes and expatriates, unemployed, registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED, members of families (or single-parent families) in which no one is working and their spouses are registered as unemployed in the unemployment registers of the OAED, as well as the long-term unemployed or unemployed university and technology graduates.

At the same time, beneficiaries are also unemployed persons over 29 years of age registered in the unemployment registers of the OAED or registered in the registers of unemployed persons with disabilities of the Agency and unemployed beneficiaries of the Social Solidarity Income (KEA).

OAED Community Service – Remuneration

The daily fee will be 21.84 euros, while the monthly fee will be up to 546 euros net. This includes employment with full employment and insurance rights which will be provided in the form of projects with specific deliverables.

Credit criteria

Beneficiaries are ranked in the Unemployment Ranking Table based on the following nine (9) objective criteria:

  1. Period of continuous registered unemployment of a beneficiary, with a maximum of 60 months. The threshold is doubled for unemployed heads of single-parent families.
  2. Period of continuous registered unemployment of the spouse of the unemployed of the first category with a maximum of 60 months.
  3. Disability of the beneficiary at a rate of 50% or more.
  4. Annual income individual or family.
  5. Age.
  6. Number of minor children.
  7. Parent of protected or protected children with disabilities, minors or adults, with a disability rate of 67% or more.
  8. Status as a beneficiary of the "Social Solidarity Income" (KEA).
  9. Beneficiaries who were not placed in completed or under implementation actions "Promotion of employment through Public Benefit Programs" of the NSRF 2014-2020 programming period.

OAED Social Welfare Work – Projects

The projects that will be implemented are selected by the Municipalities themselves according to their needs.
Indicatively, the Minister mentions projects aimed at:

  • the improvement of the services provided to the residents,
  • the maintenance and upgrading of small infrastructure,
  • upgrading the operation of the services,
  • the upgrading and protection of the environment.
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