February 23, 2025 5 min read
3rd Amendment of the Decision on the Integration of EPAnEK – Strengthening the Establishment and Operation of New Tourism SMEs


Today 10/04/2019 the 3rd Amendment of the Decision on the Inclusion of State Aid Actions under the Call for Proposals for the Support of the Establishment and Operation of New Small and Medium Enterprises in the Tourism Sector, with Code 2633 in the Operational Programme "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020" was announced.

3rd Amendment to the Integration Decision - Content

The 3rd Amendment of the Inclusion Decision concerns the inclusion of an additional 58 investment projects/actions with an additional total Public Expenditure of 9.310.646,59€.

The total Public Expenditure from the Operational Program "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2014-2020" amounts to € 501,507,136.41.

The Amendment of the Integration Decision includes all investment projects / operations that cover the approved budget of the Action.

The distribution of Public Expenditure is made per Operational Programme and Priority Axis.

The details of the Acts included/amended per Operational Programme/Priority Axis/Category of Regions are included in the attached Annex.

The specific conditions resulting from the aid scheme and the obligations arising from the ESI Funds Regulations are binding on each beneficiary. They are described by the Detailed Call of the Action, as applicable.

Beneficiaries have the possibility to lodge an online appeal against this decision. It is submitted through the State Aid Information System, to the EYD RE-EK / EFEPAE, within an exclusive deadline of twenty (20) calendar days, from the day following the notification to the beneficiary of the issuance of the decision of grading / inclusion / rejection.

EFEPAE will inform each beneficiary electronically about its inclusion and in particular about its Technical Branch. This includes a clear and detailed description of the project to be carried out, its timetable, total budget, sources and funding rate.

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