February 22, 2025 5 min read
27th modification of the inclusion in the Action: research – create – innovate


The twenty-seventh (27th) amendment of the Decision on the Inclusion of State Aid Actions under the Action: research - create - innovate of EPANEK, regarding the inclusion of six (6) additional research projects/actions with a public expenditure of 3.656.513,24 euros of the B' round of the Action, has been published.

The total public expenditure amounts to 606,762,876.49 euros. It concerns all of the Action's 1,137 research projects (A and B Cycle). In particular, public expenditure of 320,022,954.15 euros corresponds to the 578 projects of the 1st Cycle. While public expenditure of 286,739,922.34 euros corresponds to the 559 projects of the 2nd Cycle.

The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Obligations of Beneficiaries in the Research - Create - Innovate Programme

The special conditions deriving from the aid regime as well as the obligations arising from the ESIF Regulations bind each beneficiary and are described in the Detailed Call for Action, as applicable.

The implementation of each project will be carried out in accordance with what is defined in the respective Technical Appendix of the Project, as it may be amended from time to time.

In the approved (as amended from time to time) Technical Annex of the project, which is automatically generated by the State Aid Information System (PASKE) and is available to the beneficiary ( https://www.ependyseis.gr , in the Action: RESEARCH-CREATE-KINOTOMO) in the menu Submissions, Decision Prints).

A clear and detailed description of the project to be carried out, the schedule, its total budget, its sources and its funding rate are included.

Beneficiaries of the additional six (6) research projects/acts, which are included herewith, have the option of submitting an electronic objection against this decision. This can be done through PSKE, within an exclusive period of twenty (20) calendar days, from the day after its issue.

Supplementary Decision on the rejection of funding applications submitted in the framework of Intervention II of the second cycle of the Action

A supplementary Decision of Rejection of Funding Applications submitted under Intervention II of the 2nd cycle of the Action: research - create - innovate of EPANEK, regarding the rejection as ineligible seven (7) applications for funding of research projects, with a total budget of 4.941.305,19 euros.

The potential beneficiaries of the 7 rejected funding applications have the option of submitting an electronic objection against this decision. It is submitted through PSKE, within an exclusive deadline of twenty (20) calendar days from the day after its issue.

More information about the action here.

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