Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες για τον τρόπους άντλησης ρευστότητας μέσω κοινοτικών κονδυλίων, δίνει προς τις μικρομεσαίες επιχειρήσεις το Yπουργείο Ανάπτυξης.
These are 11 projects and are divided by source and implementation agency:
Lending through European Investment Bank (EIB) programmes for small and medium-sized enterprises
- €1.44 billion available for loans to SMEs until 2015. Loan disbursements have already started through the partner banks which are: Alpha, Eurobank, Ethniki, Pancreta and Piraeus.
Related Information on the pages:
- €1.5 billion available per year, in the form of revolving guarantees, to facilitate foreign trade. The agreement foresees that the EIB will provide the banks with which it signed an agreement on 12 June in Athens (three Greek and three foreign) with guarantees amounting to 500 million euros to finance Greek exports and imports. These are the banks: Ethniki, Piraeus and Eurobank on the Greek side and HSBC, Commerzbank, Citi. On an annual basis, the new financial instrument will be able to cover transactions amounting to 1.5 billion. euro, because the funds will be revolving.
Related information on the EIB's website: http://www.eib.europa.eu/projects/press/2013/2013-084-eib-first-ever-trade-finance-facility-for-greece.htm?lang=-el
Loan through the National Fund for Entrepreneurship and Development (ETEAN)
- €550 million available for this purpose. euro for working capital and financing of investments, with low-interest loans, through the "Business Restart" Fund
- €315 million available with favorable loans for extroversion, innovation, tourism, youth and green entrepreneurship.
- EUR 80 million available, with interest-free or low-interest loans, to support island tourism businesses.
- EUR 150 million available in loans,through the Guarantee Fund. It aims to strengthen small and medium-sized enterprises by providing guarantees for investment and working capital. The Fund's resources from ETEAN resources are EUR 50 million The total borrowed funds guaranteed by the Fund are estimated to amount to EUR 150 million. approximately. The Fund is expected to be activated in the coming days.
- € 45 million available in guarantees for the issue of letters of guarantee.
Lending through the JEREMIE programme
- € 50 million available to support new and start-up businesses, in the fields of Information Technology and Communications, through venture capital.
Related information on the following sites:
- € 48 million available ευρώ για δάνεια σε Πολύ Μικρές και Μικρές Επιχειρήσεις, μέσω του προγράμματος «Ευνοϊκά Δάνεια Επιμερισμού Ρίσκου».
- € 58 million available Euro to support Medium-sized Enterprises, through the "Favorable Risk-Sharing Loans" program. "The program will be implemented in the next few days and there will be an immediate update," the Ministry said.
11. EUR 177 million available for working capital and investments in the IT sector, through the "Co-financing of Business Loans" program.
Related information: