March 18, 2025 5 min read
Training of long-term unemployed with internships in the Region of Peloponnese


Objective of the Action in the Peloponnese Region

The aim of the action is to provide targeted services of theoretical training, practical training and certification of the acquired knowledge and skills of long-term unemployed in the Region of Peloponnese in economic activities of the local / regional economy, with development potential, in order to strengthen their employability.

The action is funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and beneficiaries are long-term unemployed in the Peloponnese Region, who will come evenly, based on population registered long-term unemployed, from all Regional Units of the Region.

In this context, the action includes the following actions:

Α. Personalized counseling of professional orientation and personalized monitoring / support, indicative duration of 20 hours.

Β. Provision of vocational training of an average total duration of 520 hours, combined:

a) theoretical training aimed at complementing the knowledge and basic skills of the beneficiaries (digital and technological knowledge and skills, social-emotional skills, systemic skills)

(b) theoretical vocational training

(c) practical training in posts relevant to the theoretical vocational training programme.

C. Certification of beneficiaries.

D. Horizontal actions to support, monitor and control the action.

To whom it is addressed (Region of Peloponnese)

• Other bodies under authority. Specifically: supervised by the Region of Peloponnese bodies and / or other bodies in which the Region participates with relevant responsibilities

• Legal Entities of Public Law that under their statutes are active in the field of continuing vocational training.

• Non-profit legal entities governed by private law, which, according to their statutes, are active in the field of continuing vocational training.

Peloponnese Region

Submission period

Applications are submitted from 27/4/2022 to 30/5/2022.

In cases of documents for which are not technically feasible to electronically attach / submit (e.g. maps, drawings, etc.), the beneficiary is obliged to send them to the "SPECIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE OF THE O.P. OF THE PELOPONNESE REGION" at Alexandrou Soutsou 35, Tripoli 22132 within 10 working days of the closing date for the submission of proposals. Proposals will not be accepted outside the above deadlines.


The budget of the action amounts to 5,500,000 euros.

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