March 18, 2025 5 min read
Training for the unemployed: eight new subsidised programmes for skills acquisition



total 8 subsidised training programmes for unemployed persons are available in the current period for 9,330 young people up to 29 years old and 14,500 over 30 years old, registered in the CYPA registers. The aim of these programmes is to developing the vocational skills of the unemployed, which will enhance the the possibility of connecting to the labour market and their employment.

The subsidised programmes include personalised counselling and guidance, theoretical training and certification of the participants' professional knowledge in order to upgrade their professional skills in thematic areas relevant to their scientific and professional field, as well as to acquire additional new skills and/or soft skills.

The training programmes for unemployed people are co-funded by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund), and the Youth Employment Initiative (PAN), through the Operational Programme Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning at NSRF 2014/20.

The subsidised programmes for the training of the unemployed

For more information, interested parties can refer to the links in the table below for each programme to find out the conditions of each call and to apply.

1Counselling Support, Training, Certification and Promotion to Employment for unemployed young people aged 25-29 years old in the ICT sectorASSOCIATION OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENTERPRISES COMMUNICATIONS IN GREECE1.600
2Consulting Support, Training and Certification in Digital Marketing for unemployed people up to 29 years old in small and medium sized enterprises in the tourism sectorINSTITUTE OF THE GREEK TOURISM ASSOCIATION1.940
3Integrated Interventions by the Economic Chamber of Greece to enhance the knowledge and skills of unemployed young graduates up to 29 years old, in dynamic sectors of the growth model of the EconomyECONOMIC CHAMBER OF GREECE2.000
4Integrated Interventions to enhance the knowledge and skills of unemployed young graduates up to 29 years old, in dynamic sectors of the growth model of the economyGEOTECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE1.840
5Integrated Interventions to enhance the knowledge and skills of unemployed young graduates up to 29 years old, in dynamic sectors of the growth model of the economyTECHNICAL CHAMBER OF GREECE1.950
6Integrated Human Resources Development Intervention & Combating Unemployment in the Infrastructure and Transport SectorCENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE IN GREECE4.500
7Integrated Intervention for professional empowerment and labour market integration for people over 30 years old in the agri-food sectorSMALL BUSINESS INSTITUTE OF THE GENERAL CONFEDERATION OF CRAFTSMEN IN GREECE3.000The submission of applications by interested parties will be available in the 3rd ten days of April 2023.
8Integrated Intervention for professional empowerment and labour market integration for unemployed people aged 30 years and above in the Development of Digital Skills in CultureINSTITUTE LABOUR OF THE GENERAL CONFEDERATION OF LABOUR IN GREECE7.000The submission of applications by interested parties will be available in May 2023.
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