February 23, 2025 5 min read
Telecommuting: Compensation paid for equipment and telecommunications


The minimum amount of compensation that employers must pay to workers employed under teleworking, to cover the cost of equipment, telecommunications and the use of the home workspace shall be determined by decision of the Minister Labour and Social Affairs Costis Hatzidakis, in application of Law 4808/2021 on Labour Protection.

The law provides for the first time compensation for teleworkers for the costs they incur due to telework.

According to the decision of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs , the minimum amount that employers will pay monthly to teleworkers is:

  • For the use of the home workspace, 13 euros.
  • To cover communication costs, 10 euros.
  • For the maintenance of the equipment, 5 euros

It is noted that the minimum amount of compensation for each case was determined based on a relevant special report (cost study) by PWC. The report was prepared on behalf of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

According to the decision, the compensation for the cost of communications is not paid if the employer covers it directly, through a separate contract with the internet provider - mobile and fixed telephony. Accordingly, compensation for equipment maintenance is not payable if the devices are provided by the employer.

The decision also expressly states that the compensation it may not be paid in lieu of the employee's remuneration. And that's because it's an expense. It is recalled that according to the Labor Protection Act (Article 67):

"The related expenses are not wages, but a deductible expense for the employer, they are not subject to any tax. Finally, no employer or employee insurance contributions are due on them."

The daily wages for teleworking

Finally, there is provision if telecommuting is provided for less than 22 days per month. In this case, the employee will be paid 1/22 of the costs per teleworking day, according to the announcement of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs.

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