Small and medium-sized enterprises seem to be one of the biggest bets from the new NSRF 2014-2020 with the total funds however being "clipped" compared to the previous one, which is still running.
In particular, the Competitiveness programme to support small and medium-sized enterprises is funded by 3,73 billion euros. Higher than the €2.5 billion euros that were planned. This amount is available through two programmes: competitiveness and digital convergence.
At the same time, however, the Human Resource Development and Education program measures significant losses. By the end of the programme, in 2020, they are expected to be given as soon as 2,15 billion euros, when the programmes that are now running provide for 3.7 billion. euro.
All 13 regional programs will receive a small portion of the new NSRF 2014-2020. The amount reaches the 4,6 billion euros from 8 billion in the previous NSRF. The Region of Attica receives only 934 million euros. euros from 2,44 billion euros previously.
As far as infrastructure is concerned, eur 3.36 billion will be financed against 5.5 billion euros which now corresponds to the Environment and Accessibility programmes.
Given the limited amount of funds and the stricter conditions for accession, it is a crucial question which investments will be deemed eligible.
The new 'conditionality' conditions provide for ex-ante targeting of the outcome of each action. The targeting is based on EU-wide indicators (environment, research, innovation), compatible with the Europe 2020 strategy, with a lasting evaluation.
Relevant market players explain that in the new strict performance framework, there is a focus on performance and the achievement of the objectives of the E2020 strategy. As they explain, 6% of the budget of the relevant funds will be kept as a performance reserve.
It will be allocated, during the mid-term review of performance, to the Member States whose Programmes and priority axes have achieved their milestones (milestones).
Νέο ΕΣΠΑ - Για την αποτελεσματικότητα της χρήσης των πόρων και την αποφυγή αναστολής της χρηματοδότησης απαραίτητες είναι επίσης:
(a) macro-economic conditionality aligned with the measures of the Stability and Growth Pact, (b) ex ante conditionality in relation to structural changes."