March 13, 2025 5 min read
Support for the establishment of businesses in the Peloponnese Region by unemployed persons


The E.Y.D.E.P. Peloponnese Region announced the Action 8.iii.1.: Support the establishment of businesses in the Peloponnese Region by unemployed people. The aim is to support entrepreneurship and self-employment through the support of unemployed persons, for the start of professional activity in a self-employed professional space in the Region of Peloponnese .

Budget of the action

The budget of the Public Expenditure of the Action for the Support of Business Creation amounts to 5.000.000,00 euro and in the framework of the Action business plans are supported with a lump sum of 14.800,00 euro.

The Public Expenditure of the Action is financed by the Greek State and the European Social Fund (ESF). The Action is implemented in the framework of the Operational Program "PELOPONNESE" of the NSRF 2014/20.

Beneficiaries eligible for public funding under this Action shall be unemployed. Prerequisite to meet what is stated in the Detailed Call of the Action (Chapter 4 Beneficiaries – Terms & Conditions of Participation).

Submission period

The date for online submission of investment proposals to the State Aid Information System, at: is set from:

  • 02/03/2022 at 13:00, until the deadline 06/05/2022 at 15:00.

Target Audience

Potential beneficiaries of the action are unemployed who wish to be active in the eligible Nace Codes as described in detail in Annex VII "ELIGIBLE ACTIVITY CODES (SMRS)" of this Call, establishing an eligible enterprise within the Region of Peloponnese.

What is funded under the action

Investment projects are supported at a flat rate of a subsidized amount of € 14,800.00.

The flat-rate amount of aid to the new enterprises/beneficiaries of the action amounts to € 14,800.00 and is paid in three instalments as follows:

  • First instalment of 4,000 euros, after the start of activity at the Tax Office. In any case, it is paid after the adoption of the decision to include the proposal (1st milestone)
  • Second instalment of €5,400, after the end of the first six months from the start of the business. Prior verification of the operation for the corresponding period of six (6) months (2nd milestone)
  • Third instalment of EUR 5,400, after the end of the second half of the year following the start of the business. Prior verification of the operation for the corresponding period of six (6) months (3rd milestone)

Read more information about the Action here.

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Tags: - All Activities ,Accounting Services ,Agricultural sector ,Agrotourism ,Aquaculture ,Boat rental companies ,Businesses under creation ,Cafe-bars / Cafeterias / Traditional Cafes ,Camping ,Consulting services ,Cultural & Creative Industry ,Education ,Energy ,Engineering services ,Environment ,Event catering services ,Fishery ,Food industry - Distillery ,Forestry/forestry ,Georgia ,Health, Medicines & Social Care ,Hospitality ,Hotels ,Individuals ,informatics ,Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) ,Land / Water / Air transport ,Legal Services ,Livestock farming ,Manufacturing ,Materials / Constructions ,Medium ,Mines-Metals-Latodes-Mining ,News Farmers ,NSRF ,Other manufacturing ,Peloponnese ,Processing of Agricultural Products ,Restaurants ,Retail trade ,Rooms/Apartments to Let ,Services ,Small ,Sports services ,Subsidy ,Supply Chain (Transportation & Storage) ,Telecommunications ,Tourism ,Tourist Furnished Residences ,Trade ,Travel Agencies ,Vehicle rental companies ,Warehousing & transportation support services ,Watersports ,Wholesale trade ,Πολύ μικρές Development of Business Ideas,Unemployed

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