The Joint Ministerial Decision was signed on Friday, July 29, setting out the criteria for inclusion in the subsidy programme for places in nurseries and kindergartens for the period 2022-2023. The deadline for submitting applications will be set directly by the Greek Society for Local Development and Local Government .
The program "Promotion and support of children for their integration in pre-school education as well as for the access of school-age children, adolescents and people with disabilities, to creative employment services" for the period 2022 – 2023 is announced with an increased budget of a total (national and Community participation) amount 331,2 million euros. The increased budget will allow more children to be included in the program but also increased – for the first time in ten years – compensation (voucher) in order to cover the rise in costs and ensure the provision of quality services. It is also noted that for the first time, the program of the next period (2022-2023):
-It is uniform for working parents in both the private and public sectors.
-Includes a new category of voucher for parents with higher incomes reaching up to 42,000 euros.
Domna Michailidou, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, said: "No child outside the crèche. With active social policies we are combating poverty and social exclusion and supporting as many families as we can. We leave no one behind.
For the first time with the new program:
- The children themselves are the beneficiaries.
- After a decade, an increase of 10% is given to each voucher to ensure quality services.
- Civil servants and families with higher incomes are included in the same programme, maintaining a 20% increase in the number of children benefiting from the programme."
The care facilities and the categories of children they can accommodate are as follows:
The selection criteria are economic and social and are as follows:
Economic criteria
Α. Eligible to participate in all the structures with full voucher value are the children of families with an annual income of 2021:
- up to 27.000€ up to two children
- up to 30.000€ for three children
- up to 33.000€ for four children, and the
- up to 36.000€ for five children or more
Β. For the categories of structures A1, A2, B1 and B2, a voucher is provided if the annual family income of 2021 is:
- up to 33.000€ up to two children
- up to 36.000€ for three children
- up to 39.000€ for four children, and the
--up to 42.000€ from five children and above
It is noted that income criteria do not apply to children with physical, mental, mental illnesses or disabilities or people with disabilities, who apply for Integrated Care Nurseries. Similarly, income criteria do not apply to parents- legal representatives belonging to the category of people with disabilities (with a disability rate of more than 67%), who apply for infant, nursery or kindergartens (Position category A1, A2, B1, B2).
Social criteria for nursery schools for nurseries
Additional credits are provided for children in single-parent families, large families, parents and / or siblings with disabilities.
The table below records the value of vouchers depending on the structure category.
Line C indicates the value of the reduced voucher for the highest income categories.
The submission of applications in EETAA will be done electronically by the parents or representatives of the children using taxisnet codes. In the call for expressions of interest to be issued by the EEATA, In addition to the deadline for the submission of applications, the supporting documents will be determined that interested parties should submit (also electronically) as well as how to submit objections, etc.