February 22, 2025 5 min read
Strengthening Self-Employment of Tertiary Education Graduates (Cycle B) – Supplementary Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries and ranking list


Ανακοινώθηκε ο Συμπληρωματικός Προσωρινός Kατάλογος Δυνητικών Δικαιούχων και ο κατάλογος με τη συνολική βαθμολογική κατάταξη των επιχειρηματικών σχεδίων στη Δράση: Ενίσχυση της Αυτοαπασχόλησης Πτυχιούχων Τριτοβάθμιας Εκπαίδευσης - Β' Κύκλος του ΕΠΑνΕΚ, της πρώτης (1ης) περιόδου υποβολών.

Strengthening Self-Employment of 3-Level Graduates (Cycle B) - Supplementary Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries

Specifically, the Decision includes:

  • the grading, after the process of completing the evaluation and scoring two thousand six hundred and sixty-one (2,661) business plans that proceeded to the second stage of evaluation, by group of regions and by category of beneficiaries
  • training Supplementary Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries of the Action, for the 1st submission period, with one thousand three hundred and forty-eight (1,348) eligible business plans, a total subsidized budget (public expenditure) of EUR 32,843,212.30, in absolute grading order, based on the total co-financed public expenditure to be allocated per group of regions and per category of beneficiaries, increased by 20%.
  • rejection as ineligible, ninety-eight (98) business plans, for the 1st submission period, due to non-fulfillment of the formal conditions of participation and / or due to the detection of reference to data in unauthorized fields of the business plan and fourteen (14) business plans, due to score or for another reason according to the Invitation.

This decision does not concern a final decision to include / reject the business plans in the Action and therefore no objections are submitted to the present.

For the applications of the supplementary Provisional List of Potential Beneficiaries, the potential beneficiaries must submit the file with the required supporting documents of Annex IV of the Detailed Call, no later than Friday 19/07/2019.

The above deadline is final and failure to comply with it leads to the rejection of the business plan.

For those applications for financing of business plans that are submitted before the above deadline, they will be examined as a matter of priority. For those applications for financing of business plans that are submitted before the above deadline, they will be examined as a matter of priority.

More information about the action here.

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