The sixth (6th) amendment of the Call for Applications for Funding Investment Plans under the Action: e-retail - Grant to existing SMEs in the retail sector, for the development/upgrade and management of an e-store (A cycle) of EPANEK has been published. Modification includes changes a) regarding the completion schedule of the financed investments, which is extended from six (6) to twelve (12) months, from the date of issuance of the Inclusion Decision and b) in the formation and quantification of the grant limits for the equipment categories and of the software, with the aim of optimal absorption of the subsidy in the context of the "e-retail" Action.
The e-retail Action aims to provide grants to SMEs in the retail sector for the development/upgrade and management of their e-shop in order to:
- Support their operation during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- To strengthen the degree of integration of digital technology, as well as their digital transformation.
- Avoid overcrowding indoors.
The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by national resources.
The amendments to the sixth amendment of the e-Romanian
In chapter [8] ACTION SCHEDULE, the paragraph: "The deadline for completing the financed investments cannot exceed six (6) months from the date of issuance of the Inclusion Decision".
The paragraph is structured as follows:
"The deadline for completing the financed investments cannot exceed twelve (12) months from the date of issuance of the Inclusion Decision".
Στο κεφάλαιο [11 .6] ΓΕΝΙΚΕΣ ΕΠΙΣΗΜΑΝΣΕΙΣ ΓΙΑ ΤΙΣ ΔΑΠΑΝΕΣ η παράγραφος: «Θα πρέπει να τηρούνται τα επιλέξιμα όρια που έχουν τεθεί (ποσοστό 30% για εξοπλισμό και 100% για λογισμικό στον επιλέξιμο προϋπολογισμό) για την δημιουργία νέου ηλεκτρονικού καταστήματος. If the implementation results in changes to the approved costs, no Amendment Request required. And that's because it is integrated by EFEPAE in the verification/certification".
The paragraph is structured as follows:
“During the completion of the project, no increase in the total sanctioned subsidy shall be permitted under any circumstances. In addition, the finally certified eligible expenses may, as absolute amounts, rise up to the limit of €1,500 for the Equipment. Also up to the limit of €5,000 for the Software. If the implementation results in changes to the approved costs, no Modification Request required. And that's because they are integrated by EFEPAE in the verification/certification".
The point is added for clarification purposes
"In order to receive the investment plan, the implementation of the electronic store (e-Shop) is required. The non-certification of the physical object of the electronic store (e-Shop), in accordance with the specifications of this Invitation, is a reason for revocation of the Decision on Inclusion".
For the rest, the provisions stated in the Decision with A.P. 981/138/A2/ 12.02.21 on the subject: Invitation to submit applications for financing investment projects in the Action "eRetail - Subsidy of existing SMEs in the retail sector, for the development/upgrade and management of an electronic store" of the E.P. "Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation (EPANEK)", ESPA 2014 - 2020 - Code 034KE (ADA: 97ΟΟ46ΜΤΛΤΟΤΟΤΟ), as amended with the A.P. 1816/276/A2/19.03.2021, A.P. 2143/319/A2/ 02.04.2021, A.P. 2167/331/A2/ 05.04.2021, A.P. 2901/481/A2/17.05.2021 and A.P. 5281/06.10.2021 Decisions.
An integral part of the decision is the attached Detailed Call for Action and its Appendices. The aforementioned amendments have been incorporated into it.
You can find more information about the action here.