February 23, 2025 5 min read
Six programmes with 68,000 new jobs


A total of 68,000 new jobs will be created by the 6 new programmes of the CIFA to boost employment. Three of them will be "run" by Public Employment Service (DYPA) as early as Wednesday. The funding comes from the Recovery and Resilience Fund which amounts to 490 million euros.

Some 68,000 beneficiaries of the programmes are unemployed. Particular emphasis is placed on:

  • to long-term unemployed people
  • to young people
  • in women
  • people with disabilities and other vulnerable population groups
  • to unemployed people in areas of high unemployment

With these programmes, the DYPA finds a "Job for you", as is the slogan of the information campaign, to businesses that are invited to take advantage of the incentives and apply on the relevant platform. The new actions subsidise the creation of new jobs and the recruitment of unemployed people. In this way, they actively support businesses to keep the economy moving, to keep the whole country moving and to keep the country moving forward.

On Wednesday, 7 December 2022, the first three upgraded employment support programmes will start.They will lead to the creation of 30,000 new jobs.Three more programmes will be launched in the New Year, creating 37,750 additional new jobs.

The 3 programmes starting

In particular, on Wednesday at 13:00 the submission of online applications for the following programmes opens:

Work subsidy programme for 10,000 long-term unemployed people aged 45 and over in areas of high unemployment

The total budget amounts to 120 million euros. The scheme will finance up to 80% of salary and contributions for 18 months. Note that there is an obligation to maintain the position for 6 months. The maximum grant is EUR 13,709 per job Priority will be given to enterprises in the green sector and digital economy.

Work experience programme for 10,000 unemployed 18-30 year olds aiming at upgrading the qualifications and preparing 10,000 young people, at least graduates of compulsory education, for integration into the labour market

The total budget amounts to 68 million. euros. The programme will last 7 months. CYPA will pay the beneficiaries a monthly allowance equal to the legal minimum net salary with full social security contributions, as well as a proportion of holiday bonuses and holiday allowance.

Work subsidy programme for 10,000 unemployed people facing significant obstacles to their integration or reintegration into the labour market

The total budget amounts to 112 million. euros and has a dual purpose:

  • 3,000 unemployed people belonging to specific and vulnerable social groups (e.g. people with disabilities, drug addicts, victims of gender violence or human trafficking, etc.). The scheme will finance up to 75% of the salary and contributions for 24 months with an obligation to keep the job for 8 months. The maximum grant is €16,800 per job.
  • 7,000 unemployed people facing serious obstacles to their integration or reintegration into the labour market (e.g. single-parent families, mothers returning to the labour market after bringing up their children, the long-term unemployed, unemployed people over 55 years old, unemployed people without compulsory education, Roma, etc.). The scheme will fund up to 75% of salary and contributions for 12 months with an obligation to maintain the position for 4 months. The maximum grant is €8,400 per job.

The labour subsidy schemes are aimed at private enterprises and general private sector employers who are regularly engaged in economic activity.

For the employment of people with disabilities, the beneficiaries are additionally the enterprises of Local Authorities of the first and second degree. For the work experience programme, the beneficiaries are additionally Social and Solidarity Economy organisations.

The 3 programmes to be launched in 2023

In addition, the other three programmes funded by the Recovery and Resilience Fund will be launched in 2023, as follows:

Job subsidy programme for 5,000 unemployed, aged 18-66, with a focus on the green economy and women

The budget amounts to 50 million euros. The programme will fund up to 80% of the salary costs for a period of 15 months with an obligation to maintain the post for a further 5 months after the end of the grant.

Comprehensive skills upgrading-retraining and short-term employment programme for 15,000 unemployed people (25-45 years old)

The budget amounts to 92 million. euros. The programme will fund up to 100% of the salary costs for a period of 6 months with an obligation to maintain the post for 2 additional months after the end of the grant.

Pilot programmes of combined actions (counselling, certified training and employment) in at least four cities in the Greek territory

The first cycle concerns 17,750 unemployed with a total budget of €45 million euros, while the programmes will remain open until the budget is exhausted.

How businesses can apply to participate

Employers interested in participating can submit their application exclusively online either:

a) through the e-services platform of the Public Works Department (dypa.gov.gr) or

b) through the Single Digital Portal of the Greek public sector gov.gr using their personal TAXISnet codes

Getting into the service is easy. The user from the website dypa.gov.gr enters the platform CYPA e-services and selects "User login to the system". Then he/she chooses to log in to the System through certification by the AADE, clicks on "Login to AADE" and fills in the TAXISnet passwords through the following link: https: //www.gov.gr/ipiresies/epikheirematike-drasterioteta/apaskholese-prosopikou/summetokhe-epikheireseon-ergodoton-se-programmata-katartises-anergon.

After logging into the system, the user sees the basic details of his/her business on the home screen. They will need to confirm/update these details in the Registry before completing their application. Once all the fields have been filled in, the user selects from the "Select a new application to submit" tab the field with the program he/she wants to apply to from the list. A detailed guide is available on the platform, which guides the user step by step for the final submission of the application.

After the application is submitted, the DYPA confirms that the employer meets the requirements and the DYPA's job counsellors nominate candidates with the specialty and qualifications declared by the employer. The employer selects the beneficiary and proceeds with the recruitment.

For the relevant Public Calls and for more information, interested parties can visit: https://www.dypa.gov.gr/programmata-apasholisis-hrimatodotoumena-apo-to-tamio-anakampsis.

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