March 18, 2025 5 min read
Seventh amendment to the Action: environmental infrastructure: Strengthening Waste Management Facilities


The seventh (7th) amendment of the Call for Applications for funding of Business Plans under the Action: environmental infrastructures has been published: Strengthening Waste Management Facilities of the ERANEK. The amendment concerns the abolition of the condition for the implementation of a rate at least equal to 30% of the approved subsidized budget of the investment project in the first eight (8) months from the date of the accession decision. At the same time, the documents relating to requests for modifications or verification - certification are sent to the following e-mail address: within 10 calendar days from the electronic submission of the request to the PSCE and are not required to be sent in paper form.

Finally, the Beneficiary is informed about the results of the certification only by e-mail and not in printed form. Especially through the email that has been declared at the head office address on the form for submitting the funding application to SAIS.

Environmental Infrastructure - Objective of the Action

The Action has as its main objective Regional Development. It concerns the financing of investment projects for business utilization of liquid and solid waste, in order to waste after treatment they can be reintroduced into the production cycle and to be reused as raw materials, materials or substances in order to serve again either their original use or other uses.

Through the strengthening of businesses is sought the orientation of the business activity in the field of waste management/alternative management and the coverage of the added value chain in modern facilities that carry out in rational practices of recycling operations in the context of the utilization of economically recyclable materials, the promotion and integration of high know-how/technology in the country's productive fabric, the strengthening of the production of products from recycled materials and the strengthening of the production of exportable products and services.

Budget of the Action

The Action's budget amounts to 40 million. euros

the 65% strong of the budget is allocated to Existing and 35% to New businesses.

The Action is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and by national resources.

Beneficiaries of the Action

Existing and New Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as follows:

  • Existing businesses that keep simple books (B' category) or double-book books (C' class), which until 31/12/2019 have two or more closed full management years
  • New businesses that keep aplographic books (B' category) or diplographic books (C' category), which do not fall into the above category and were established before the date of publication of this Action.

Investment Plans & Subsidy

Investment plans from 400,000 euros to 3,000,000 euros.

The subsidy rate per company size, per category of regions and per category of eligible costs of the investment projects ranges from 20% to 55%.

Basic Conditions of Participation to the Environmental Infrastructure Action

Each eligible business must, among other things, meet the following conditions:

  • To be active or to be active in the eligible areas of activity (NACE code) listed in Appendix III of this announcement, as well as to incur the corresponding expenses in the Region from which they are financed.
  • To operate exclusively with one of the following corporate/commercial forms of business: [Stock Company, Limited Liability Company, Limited Partnership or Limited Partnership, I.K.E, Sole Proprietorship, Social Cooperative Enterprise of Law 4430/2016, Cooperative] , and to keep or undertake to keep, if their proposal is approved, simple or double-copy books of Law 4308/2014, as applicable.
  • To submit, per VAT, a single application for funding in this action, respecting the limits of the GAS. To declare as a place for the implementation of the actions of this action exclusively one Region.
  • Work on the investment project has not started before the date of submission of the funding application.
  • To be able to prove that he has at least 25% of the required private participation of the proposed investment project.

It should be noted that the company does not have the obligation to have the necessary NACE code investment when submitting the application for financing the investment plan. It must be available before the first disbursement, including the down payment.

Eligible expenditure

  • Buildings, facilities and surrounding area, up to 25% of the subsidized project budget.
  • Machinery - Equipment, up to 100% of the subsidized project budget.
  • Means of transport, up to 30% of the subsidized project budget.
  • System certification and laboratory testing costs, up to 5% of the subsidized project budget and up to the amount of 7,000 euros per management system.
  • Acquisition, validation & protection of patents, up to 5% of the project's subsidized budget.
  • Acquisition, validation & protection of patents, up to 5% of the project's subsidized budget.
  • Acquisition, validation & protection of patents, up to 5% of the project's subsidized budget.
  • Technical/advisory support, up to 10% of the subsidized project budget.

The date of start of expenditure eligibility is defined as the date of electronic submission of the funding application.

Time for implementation of investment plans for Environmental Infrastructure

Up to 18 months from the date of issuance of the Incorporation Decision

A project at least equal to 30% of the approved subsidized budget of the investment project must be completed in the first 8 months from the date of its inclusion decision.

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