February 6, 2025 5 min read
“Saving at Home II” – Second cycle implementation guide – Start 15/07/2019


The Notice of the second cycle of the Exoikonomisi Kat' Oikon II programme, which will be implemented under the NSRF 2014-2020, was published in the Official Gazette. The aim is to save energy in the residential building sector, to reduce emissions of pollutants that contribute to the
worsening the greenhouse effect and achieving a cleaner environment.

The submission of applications for the new cycle on the electronic platform will start successively per group of Regions from 15/7/2019.It will be based on the income criteria of the tax year 2018 (cleared tax returns).

One of the main changes in relation to Cycle A is that:

  • the upper limit in the 7th income category is abolished
  • In order for the declared construction or use to be subject to a law for the settlement of arbitrary constructions, the payment of at least 30% of the total of the single special fine should be reflected.

More detailed announcements will follow with the publication in the Official Gazette on the website: https://exoikonomisi.ypen.gr.

The second phase of the program with additional 250 million euros it will cover 25,000 homes. Together with the participation of private individuals, the amount of assistance is expected to exceed EUR 400 million. The result is that the cycle of the Exoikonomisi kath' oikon II programme closes with energy upgrade projects worth more than €1 billion. euro.

The programme Home Savings II

The Energy Saving at Home II programme consists of providing incentives for the implementation of interventions aimed at saving energy in the domestic building sector, reducing energy consumption and consequently the energy costs of households.

First phase report

During the first phase of its implementation, interventions with a total budget of ECU 640 million were financed. of which EUR 362 million Euros were financed through grants from resources of the NSRF and the PIP. In total, about 43,000 homes were upgraded.

Outline of phase B

In phase B, the available resources will amount to 250 million euros, which are estimated to finance interventions in 20,000 – 25,000 homes.

The program can include detached houses, apartment buildings and individual apartments, which have a building permit or other legal document. Especially apartment buildings have the right to be included in the program, for which it will be the case that each one will be considered as one residence, as one unit. Natural persons who have the right of main ownership and meet the following income criteria may participate.

The program is activated at the beginning of the second semester, in order to have the time to use 2018 income as benchmarks. Emphasis is placed on the integration of families with children (5% for each underage member - up to 2 children) and households with low incomes. The 7th category, although it cannot receive a grant, can benefit from the program through an interest-free loan. The decoupling of the obligation to obtain a loan from participation in the program applies, i.e. obtaining a loan is not mandatory. The budget of each application will not exceed 25,000 euros.

Integration process

Interested citizens will be able to fill in their application for inclusion in the program through the special website and the special platform of the program, where they will check if they meet the above criteria. Applications will be made only electronically and the online application will serve as a solemn declaration. By simplifying the application process, it is easier for citizens, as well as significantly reducing bureaucracy. Furthermore, through the online application, interested parties will be able to choose whether to apply for a loan or not. Then, if they meet the conditions for participation, they will be able to choose the financial institution to which they will turn, without the need for their physical presence, which will then examine their creditworthiness.

Conditions for membership in the Exoikon Kat' Oikon II programme

A prerequisite for inclusion in the programme is the carrying out of an energy inspection by an Energy Inspector, who will issue the required Energy Performance Certificate . Subsequently, interventions will be selected according to the findings/results of the inspection, with the aim of achieving maximum energy savings and maximum improvement of the energy efficiency of the dwellings. After the implementation of the interventions, a second energy audit will be carried out in order to check whether the targets set have been achieved and consequently the corresponding grant.

The cost of the Energy Inspector or Project Consultant will be covered by the Program if the application receives the required approval.

The interventions that can be made by the interested parties will concern the following categories:

  1. Replacement of frames
  2. installation of shading systems
  3. installation of thermal insulation in the building envelope
  4. heating / cooling system upgrade
  5. Upgrade of domestic hot water supply system

The above interventions should:

  • meet the minimum requirements of KENAK
  • achieve primary energy savings of more than 40% of the consumption (kWh/m2) of the reference building for categories 1 and 2 of the table
  • achieve primary energy savings of more than 70% of the consumption (kWh/m2) of the reference building for the remaining categories
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