The tenth (10th) amendment of the Decision on the Inclusion of Funding Applications under the Action: working capital subsidy to catering enterprises for the supply of raw materials - Restarting the catering sector of the ERANEK, regarding the additional inclusion of one thousand two hundred and eighteen (1,218) funding applications, with a total public expenditure of 12,081,630.88 euros, has been published.
Of these applications:
- The one thousand two hundred and seventeen (1,217) applications for funding, with eligible public expenditure of € 12,041,877.88, concern small and medium-sized enterprises
- One (1) application for funding, with a total public expenditure of EUR 39,753.00, concerns a large enterprise
With the amendment of the Decision, the total projects included in the Action amount to twenty-two thousand five hundred and eighty (22,580). The total public expenditure amounts to 213.242.030,00 euros.
Aid recipients are obliged to comply with the specific conditions resulting from the aid scheme. Also the obligations arising from the ESIF Regulations and are described in the Detailed Call of the Action, as amended and in force.
Decision to reject funding applications for the relaunch of the catering sector
The tenth (10th) Decision to reject funding applications under the Action has been published: Working Capital Subsidy to Catering Enterprises for the Supply of Raw Materials - Restarting Catering, of the ERANEK, concerning the rejection, as ineligible, of two hundred and forty-three (243) funding applications, with a total public expenditure of 2.315.161,23 euros, due to incompleteness of supporting documents and / or non-compliance with formal conditions for participation in the Action.
Candidates whose applications for funding are rejected may alternatively either submit a new application for funding. They may also submit an objection within an exclusive period of ten (10) calendar days from the receipt of the automated, through State Aid Information System, message to the declared e-mail address.
Objections are submitted exclusively through the PSKE and in accordance with Chapter 11 "APPEALS PROCEDURE" of the Detailed Call for Action as in force.
Please note that in case of an objection, the right to submit a new application for funding ceases to exist.
More information about the action here.