March 18, 2025 5 min read
South Aegean Region: Support for small businesses under establishment and existing small businesses


The Region of South Aegean is going to proceed immediately to the publication of a call for the Support for the establishment and existing, micro and small enterprises of the South Aegean, in the framework of the South Aegean Operational Programme 2014-2020.

Objectives of the action in the South Aegean Region

The main objectives of the action are:

• the creation of new dynamic small or micro business units that will contribute to increasing the added value of the production base towards highly competitive goods and services by integrating knowledge

• the reorientation of existing enterprises and the strengthening of their competitiveness

• the creation of new jobs as well as the upgrading of qualifications of employees

Based on the approved planning of the Region, through the call it is foreseen to support actions related to a wide selection of sectors in the framework of the Smart Specialization Strategy for the South Aegean Region.


The total Public Expenditure of the actions of the call in the South Aegean region will amount to 4.000.000€.

The call budget is broken down by business category as follows:

• 50% for start-ups and start-ups without profit distribution

• 50% for existing businesses

The maximum total budget per project is €100,000.

Public expenditure is co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) of the European Union, using a flexibility clause for ERDF-type expenditure and national resources.

Investment aid shall include, but is not limited to:

  • supply of machinery and equipment
  • wage costs of newly recruited staff
  • Staff training
  • operating costs
  • promotion costs, etc.

They are granted under the provisions of EU Regulation (EU) 1407/2013 or article 22 of Regulation (EU) No. 651/2014.

The costs to cover the salary costs of newly recruited staff can amount to 60% of the total budget of the project. The rate of aid for these costs is 100%. For the other categories of costs, the aid rate is 75%.

The call is expected to benefit a relatively limited number of companies and based on the scored evaluation criteria, it will be given:

  • priority to support entrepreneurs and/or unemployed with a high level of education and experience
  • the creation of quality new jobs
  • supporting businesses on islands with fewer than 3,100 inhabitants

Interested parties can find information on the website of the Special Management Service at:

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Tags: - All Activities ,Accounting Services ,Agricultural sector ,Agrotourism ,Aquaculture ,Boat rental companies ,Businesses ,Businesses under creation ,Cafe-bars / Cafeterias / Traditional Cafes ,Camping ,Consulting services ,Cultural & Creative Industry ,Education ,Energy ,Engineering services ,Environment ,Event catering services ,Existing Businesses ,Fishery ,Food industry - Distillery ,Forestry/forestry ,Georgia ,Health, Medicines & Social Care ,Hospitality ,Hotels ,informatics ,Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) ,Land / Water / Air transport ,Legal Services ,Livestock farming ,Manufacturing ,Materials / Constructions ,Mines-Metals-Latodes-Mining ,News Farmers ,NSRF ,Other manufacturing ,Processing of Agricultural Products ,Restaurants ,Retail trade ,Rooms/Apartments to Let ,Services ,Small ,Southern Aegean Sea ,Sports services ,Subsidy ,Supply Chain (Transportation & Storage) ,Telecommunications ,Tourism ,Tourist Furnished Residences ,Trade ,Travel Agencies ,Vehicle rental companies ,Warehousing & transportation support services ,Watersports ,Wholesale trade ,Πολύ μικρές Support for Businesses

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